Asynchronous HTTP client

Pulsar ships with a fully featured, HttpClient class for multiple asynchronous HTTP requests. The client has an has no dependencies and API very similar to python requests library.

Getting Started

To get started, one builds a client for multiple sessions:

from pulsar.apps import http
sessions = http.HttpClient()

and than makes requests, in a coroutine:

async def mycoroutine():
    response = await sessions.get('')
    return response.text()

The response is an HttpResponse object which contains all the information about the request and the result:

>>> request = response.request
>>> print(request.headers)
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: pulsar/0.8.2-beta.1
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Accept: */*
>>> response.status_code
>>> print(response.headers)

The request attribute of HttpResponse is an instance of the original HttpRequest.

Passing Parameters In URLs

You can attach parameters to the url by passing the params dictionary:

response = sessions.get('',
                        params={'page': 2, 'key': 'foo'})
response.url   // ''

You can also pass a list of items as a value:

params = {key1': 'value1', 'key2': ['value2', 'value3']}
response = sessions.get('', params=params)
response.url   //

Post data

Simple data

Posting data is as simple as passing the data parameter:, data={'entry1': 'bla', 'entry2': 'doo'})

JSON data

Posting data is as simple as passing the data parameter:, json={'entry1': 'bla', 'entry2': 'doo'})

File data

Posting data is as simple as passing the data parameter:

files = {'file': open('report.xls', 'rb')}, files=files)

Streaming data

It is possible to post streaming data too. Streaming data can be a simple generator:, data=(b'blabla' for _ in range(10)))

or a coroutine:, data=(b'blabla' for _ in range(10)))


Authentication, either basic or digest, can be added by passing the auth parameter during a request. For basic authentication:

sessions.get(..., auth=('<username>','<password>'))

same as:

from pulsar.apps.http import HTTPBasicAuth

sessions.get(..., auth=HTTPBasicAuth('<username>','<password>'))

or digest:

from pulsar.apps.http import HTTPDigestAuth

sessions.get(..., auth=HTTPDigestAuth('<username>','<password>'))

In either case the authentication is handled by adding additional headers to your requests.


Supported out of the box:


The HttpClient can verify SSL certificates for HTTPS requests, just like a web browser. To check a host’s SSL certificate, you can use the verify argument:

sessions = HttpClient()
sessions.verify       // True
sessions = HttpClient(verify=False)
sessions.verify       // False

By default, verify is set to True.

You can override the verify argument during requests too:

sessions.get('https://locahost:8020', verify=False)

You can pass verify the path to a CA_BUNDLE file or directory with certificates of trusted CAs:

sessions.get('https://locahost:8020', verify='/path/to/ca_bundle')


This is an event-driven client, therefore streaming support is native.

The raw stream

The easiest way to use streaming is to pass the stream=True parameter during a request and access the HttpResponse.raw attribute. For example:

async def body_coroutine(url):
    # wait for response headers
    response = await sessions.get(url, stream=True)
    async for data in response.raw:
       # data is a chunk of bytes

The raw attribute is an asynchronous iterable over bytes and it can be iterated once only. When iterating over a raw attribute which has been already iterated, StreamConsumedError is raised.

The attribute has the read method for reading the whole body at once:


Data processed hook

Another approach to streaming is to use the data_processed event handler. For example:

def new_data(response, **kw):
    if response.status_code == 200:
        data = response.recv_body()
        # do something with this data

response = sessions.get(..., data_processed=new_data)

The response recv_body() method fetches the parsed body of the response and at the same time it flushes it. Check the proxy server example for an application using the HttpClient streaming capabilities.


The http client support websocket upgrades. First you need to have a websocket handler, a class derived from WS:

from pulsar.apps import ws

class Echo(ws.WS):

    def on_message(self, websocket, message):

The websocket response is obtained by:

ws = await sessions.get('ws://...', websocket_handler=Echo())

Client Options

Several options are available to customise how the HTTP client works

Pool size

The HTTP client maintain connections _pools with remote hosts. The parameter which control the pool size for each domain is pool_size which is set to 10 by default.


By default Requests will perform location redirection for all verbs except HEAD.

The HttpResponse.history list contains the Response objects that were created in order to complete the request. For example:

response = await sessions.get('')
response.status_code    # 200
response.history        # [<Response [301]>]

If you’re using GET, OPTIONS, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE, you can disable redirection handling with the allow_redirects parameter:

response = await sessions.get('', allow_redirects=False)
response.status_code    # 301
response.history        # []


Decompression of the response body is automatic. To disable decompression pass the decompress parameter to a request:

response = await sessions.get('', decompress=False)
response.status_code    # 200
response.text()         # UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x8b in position 1: invalid start byte

Alternatively, the decompress flag can be set at session level:

sessions = HttpClient(decompress=False)
response = await sessions.get('')
response.status_code    # 200
response.text()         # UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x8b in position 1: invalid start byte

Synchronous Mode

Can be used in synchronous mode if the loop did not start, alternatively it is possible to use it in synchronous mode on a new thread:

sessions = HttpClient(loop=new_event_loop())


Events control the behaviour of the HttpClient when certain conditions occur. They are useful for handling standard HTTP event such as redirects, websocket upgrades, streaming or anything your application requires.

One time events

There are three one time events associated with an HttpResponse object:

  • pre_request, fired before the request is sent to the server. Callbacks receive the response argument.
  • on_headers, fired when response headers are available. Callbacks receive the response argument.
  • post_request, fired when the response is done. Callbacks receive the response argument.

Adding event handlers can be done at sessions level:

def myheader_handler(response, exc=None):
    if not exc:
        print('got headers!')

sessions.bind_event('on_headers', myheader_handler)

or at request level:

sessions.get(..., on_headers=myheader_handler)

By default, the HttpClient has one pre_request callback for handling HTTP tunneling, three on_headers callbacks for handling 100 Continue, websocket upgrade and cookies, and one post_request callback for handling redirects.

Many time events

In addition to the three one time events, the HttpClient supports two additional events which can occur several times while processing a given response:

  • data_received is fired when new data has been received but not yet parsed
  • data_processed is fired just after the data has been parsed by the HttpResponse. This is the event one should bind to when performing http streaming.

both events support handlers with a signature:

def handler(response, data=None):

where response is the HttpResponse handling the request and data is the raw data received.


The main classes here are the HttpClient, a subclass of AbstractClient, the HttpResponse, returned by http requests and the HttpRequest.

HTTP Client

class pulsar.apps.http.HttpClient(proxies=None, headers=None, verify=True, cookies=None, store_cookies=True, max_redirects=10, decompress=True, version=None, websocket_handler=None, parser=None, trust_env=True, loop=None, client_version=None, timeout=None, stream=False, pool_size=10, frame_parser=None, logger=None, close_connections=False, keep_alive=None)[source]

A client for HTTP/HTTPS servers.

It handles pool of asynchronous connections.


Default headers for this HttpClient.



Default cookies for this HttpClient.


If True it remembers response cookies and sends them back to servers.

Default: True


Default timeout for requests. If None or 0, no timeout on requests


Dictionary of proxy servers for this client.


The size of a pool of connection for a given host.


Dictionary of connection pools for different hosts


Default headers for this HttpClient


Close all connections


alias of Pool

delete(url, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a DELETE request and returns a HttpResponse object.

Params url:url for the new HttpRequest object.
Parameters:**kwargs – Optional arguments for the request() method.
get(url, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a GET request and returns a HttpResponse object.

Params url:url for the new HttpRequest object.
Parameters:**kwargs – Optional arguments for the request() method.
head(url, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a HEAD request and returns a HttpResponse object.

Params url:url for the new HttpRequest object.
Parameters:**kwargs – Optional arguments for the request() method.
options(url, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a OPTIONS request and returns a HttpResponse object.

Params url:url for the new HttpRequest object.
Parameters:**kwargs – Optional arguments for the request() method.
patch(url, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a PATCH request and returns a HttpResponse object.

Params url:url for the new HttpRequest object.
Parameters:**kwargs – Optional arguments for the request() method.
post(url, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a POST request and returns a HttpResponse object.

Params url:url for the new HttpRequest object.
Parameters:**kwargs – Optional arguments for the request() method.
put(url, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a PUT request and returns a HttpResponse object.

Params url:url for the new HttpRequest object.
Parameters:**kwargs – Optional arguments for the request() method.
request(method, url, timeout=None, **params)[source]

Constructs and sends a request to a remote server.

It returns a Future which results in a HttpResponse object.

  • method – request method for the HttpRequest.
  • url – URL for the HttpRequest.
  • response – optional pre-existing HttpResponse which starts a new request (for redirects, digest authentication and so forth).
  • params – optional parameters for the HttpRequest initialisation.
Return type:

a Future

HTTP Request

class pulsar.apps.http.HttpRequest(client, url, method, inp_params=None, headers=None, data=None, files=None, json=None, history=None, auth=None, charset=None, max_redirects=10, source_address=None, allow_redirects=False, decompress=True, version=None, wait_continue=False, websocket_handler=None, cookies=None, params=None, stream=False, proxies=None, verify=True, **ignored)[source]

An HttpClient request for an HTTP resource.

This class has a similar interface to urllib.request.Request.

  • files – optional dictionary of name, file-like-objects.
  • allow_redirects – allow the response to follow redirects.

The request method


HTTP version for this request, usually HTTP/1.1


List of past HttpResponse (collected during redirects).


if True, the HttpRequest includes the Expect: 100-Continue header.


Allow for streaming body


(host, port) tuple of the HTTP resource


The bytes representation of this HttpRequest.

Called by HttpResponse when it needs to encode this HttpRequest before sending it to the HTTP resource.

get_header(header_name, default=None)[source]

Retrieve header_name from this request headers.


Check header_name is in this request headers.


Proxy server for this request.


Remove header_name from this request.


Context for TLS connections.

If this is a tunneled request and the tunnel connection is not yet established, it returns None.


Tunnel for this request.

HTTP Response

class pulsar.apps.http.HttpResponse(loop=None, one_time_events=None, many_times_events=None)[source]

A ProtocolConsumer for the HTTP client protocol.

Initialised by a call to the HttpClient.request method.

There are two events you can yield in a coroutine:


fired once the response headers are received.


Fired once the whole request has finished

Public API:


Content of the response, in bytes

content_string(charset=None, errors=None)

Decode content as a string.


Dictionary of cookies set by the server or None.


Return the best possible representation of the response body.


List of HttpResponse objects from the history of the request. Any redirect responses will end up here. The list is sorted from the oldest to the most recent request.


Required by python CookieJar.

Return headers.


Decode content as a JSON object.

Returns the parsed header links of the response, if any


Raises stored HTTPError or URLError, if occurred.


A raw asynchronous Http response


Flush the response body and return it.


Numeric status code such as 200, 404 and so forth.

Available once the on_headers has fired.

text(charset=None, errors=None)[source]

Decode content as a string.


The request full url.


class pulsar.apps.http.oauth.OAuth1(client_id=None, client=None, **kw)[source]

Add OAuth1 authentication to pulsar HttpClient


class pulsar.apps.http.oauth.OAuth2(client_id=None, client=None, **kw)[source]

Add OAuth2 authentication to pulsar HttpClient