.. _data-stores: ===================== Datastore Clients ===================== .. automodule:: pulsar.apps.data.store Getting Started ===================== To create a data :class:`.Store` client one uses the :func:`.create_store` function with a valid :ref:`connection string `:: >>> from pulsar.apps.data import create_store >>> store = create_store('redis://user:password@') >>> store.name 'redis' >>> store.database '11' >>> store.dns 'redis://user:password@' Additional parameters can be passed via the connection string or as key-valued parameters. For example:: >>> store = create_store('redis://user:password@', namespace='test_') >>> store.dns 'redis://user:password@' .. _connection-string: Connection String ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The connection string is a way to specify the various parameters for the data store connection. All :class:`.Store` support a connection string of the form:: ://:@/?param1=...¶m2=... where: * ``schema`` is the store name * ``database`` is the database name (or number for redis) * ``username`` is an optional database username * ``password`` is an optional database password Implement a Store ================== When implementing a new :class:`.Store` there are several methods which need to be covered: * :meth:`~Store.ping` to check if the server is available * :meth:`~Store.connect` to create a new connection * :meth:`~Store.execute` to execute a command on the store server All registered data stores are stored in the ``data_stores`` dictionary:: from pulsar.apps.data import data_stores Pulsar provides two implementations, the redis client and the pulsards client. API ============ The main component of the data store API is the :func:`.create_store` function which creates in one function call a new :class:`.Store` object which can be used to interact with the backend database. Create store ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: create_store Start store ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: pulsar.apps.data.pulsards.startds.start_store Register a new store ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: register_store Store ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: Store :members: :member-order: bysource RemoteStore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: RemoteStore :members: :member-order: bysource