## Ver. 1.6.1 - 2016-Nov-24 Minor release with few improvements in the HTTPClient and ``Channels`` * ``HttpResponse.is_error`` is ``True`` when no status_code is available and the response is done * ``HttpRequestException`` derives from ConnectionError * Added query to request absolute_uri * Channels improvements ## Ver. 1.6.0 - 2016-Nov-20 A new series with improvements in the HTTP client and server. Broadly compatible with the 1.5 series with exception of headers definitions and actors based on ``multiprocessing`` module (both have been removed because not used). This version brings a **critical bug** fix for HTTP responses with non standard values in body or content headers * New ``is_message_complete`` method in ``HttpResponse`` * Critical bug fix for HTTP response with body when they should not have it. Disregard the body and content headers [#257](https://github.com/quantmind/pulsar/pull/257) * If [http-request](https://github.com/benoitc/http-parser) module is installed, use its C parser as default HTTP parser. The python parser can still be used by passing ``--http-py-parser`` flag in the command line * Removed headers definitions, no longer used [#222](https://github.com/quantmind/pulsar/issues/222) * Removed actors based on ``multiprocessing`` module, not needed [a9cc662](https://github.com/quantmind/pulsar/commit/a9cc6623230ffc04c4ed0236ae33efb7bbb21060) * Tests run with both python and C http-parser * **Fully compatible with python 3.5 & 3.6**