Source code for pulsar.apps.http.oauth

    from oauthlib import oauth1, oauth2
except ImportError:     # pragma    nocover
    oauth1 = None
    oauth2 = None

from pulsar import ImproperlyConfigured
from pulsar.utils.structures import mapping_iterator

from . import auth

[docs]class OAuth1(auth.Auth): '''Add OAuth1 authentication to pulsar :class:`.HttpClient` ''' available = bool(oauth1) def __init__(self, client_id=None, client=None, **kw): if oauth1 is None: # pragma nocover raise ImproperlyConfigured('%s requires oauthlib' % self.__class__.__name__) self._client = client or oauth1.Client(client_id, **kw) def __call__(self, response, exc=None): r = response.request url, headers, _ = self._client.sign( r.url, r.method, r.body, r.headers) for key, value in mapping_iterator(headers): r.add_header(key, value) r.url = url
[docs]class OAuth2(auth.Auth): """Add OAuth2 authentication to pulsar :class:`.HttpClient` """ available = bool(oauth2) def __init__(self, client_id=None, client=None, **kw): if oauth2 is None: # pragma nocover raise ImproperlyConfigured('%s requires oauthlib' % self.__class__.__name__) self.client = client or oauth2.WebApplicationClient(client_id, **kw) def __call__(self, response, exc=None): r = response.request url, headers, _ = self.client.add_token( r.url, http_method=r.method, body=r.body, headers=r.headers) for key, value in mapping_iterator(headers): r.add_header(key, value) r.url = url