Source code for pulsar.apps.wsgi.content

'''The :mod:`pulsar.apps.wsgi.content` introduces several utility classes for
handling asynchronous content within a :ref:`WSGI handler <wsgi-async>` or
:ref:`middleware <wsgi-middleware>`.

These classes can operate instead or in conjunction with a template engine,
their main purpose is to do what a web framework does: to provide a set of
tools working together to concatenate ``strings`` to return as a
response to an :ref:`HTTP client request <app-wsgi-request>`.

A string can be ``html``, ``json``, ``plain text`` or any other valid HTTP
content type.

The main class of this module is the :class:`String`, which can be
considered as the atomic component of an asynchronous web framework::

    >>> from pulsar.apps.wsgi import String
    >>> string = String('Hello')
    >>> string.render()
    >>> string.render()
    RuntimeError: String already streamed

An :class:`String` can only be rendered once, and it accepts
:ref:`asynchronous components  <tutorials-coroutine>`::

    >>> a = Future()
    >>> string = String('Hello, ', a)
    >>> value = string.render()
    >>> value
    MultiFuture (pending)
    >>> value.done()

Once the future is done, we have the concatenated string::

    >>> a.set_result('World!')
    >>> value.done()
    >>> value.result()
    'Hello, World!'


The :meth:`~String.do_stream` method is responsible for the streaming
of ``strings`` or :ref:`asynchronous components  <tutorials-coroutine>`.
It can be overwritten by subclasses to customise the way an
:class:`String` streams its :attr:`~String.children`.

On the other hand, the :meth:`~String.to_string` method is responsible
for the concatenation of ``strings`` and, like :meth:`~String.do_stream`,
it can be customised by subclasses.

Asynchronous String

.. autoclass:: String
   :member-order: bysource

Asynchronous Json

.. autoclass:: Json
   :member-order: bysource

.. _wsgi-html:

Asynchronous Html

.. autoclass:: Html
   :member-order: bysource

.. _wsgi-html-document:

Html Document

The :class:`.HtmlDocument` class is a python representation of an
`HTML5 document`_, the latest standard for HTML.
It can be used to build a web site page in a pythonic fashion rather than
using template languages::

    >>> from pulsar.apps.wsgi import HtmlDocument

    >>> doc = HtmlDocument(title='My great page title')
    >>> doc.head.add_meta(name="description", content=...)
    >>> doc.head.scripts.append('jquery')
    >>> doc.body.append(...)


.. autoclass:: HtmlDocument
   :member-order: bysource

.. _wsgi-html-head:


.. autoclass:: Head
   :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: Media
   :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: Scripts
   :member-order: bysource


.. autoclass:: Links
   :member-order: bysource

Html Factory

.. autofunction:: html_factory

.. _`HTML5 document`:
import re
from collections import Mapping
from functools import partial

from pulsar import HttpException
from pulsar import multi_async, chain_future, isawaitable
from pulsar.utils.slugify import slugify
from pulsar.utils.html import INLINE_TAGS, escape, dump_data_value, child_tag
from pulsar.utils.pep import to_string
from pulsar.utils.system import json

from .html import html_visitor, newline

DATARE = re.compile('data[-_]')

def stream_to_string(stream):
    for value in stream:
        if value is None:
        elif isinstance(value, bytes):
            yield value.decode('utf-8')
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            yield value
            yield str(value)

def stream_mapping(value, request):
    result = {}
    async = False
    for key, value in value.items():
        if isinstance(value, String):
            value = value.render(request)
        if isawaitable(value):
            async = True
        result[key] = value
    return multi_async(result) if async else result

def attr_iter(attrs):
    for k in sorted(attrs):
        v = attrs[k]
        if v is True:
            yield " %s" % k
        elif v is not None:
            yield " %s='%s'" % (k, escape(v, force=True))

[docs]class String: '''An asynchronous string which can be used with pulsar WSGI servers. ''' _default_content_type = 'text/plain' _content_type = None '''Content type for this :class:`String`''' _streamed = False _children = None _parent = None _before_stream = None charset = None def __init__(self, *children, **params): for child in children: self.append(child) self._setup(**params) def _setup(self, content_type=None, charset=None, **kw): self._content_type = content_type or self._default_content_type self.charset = charset or 'utf-8' @property def content_type(self): return '%s; charset=%s' % (self._content_type, self.charset) @property def parent(self): '''The :class:`String` element which contains this :class:`String`.''' return self._parent @property def children(self): '''A copy of all children of this :class:`String`. Children can be other :class:`String` or string or bytes, depending on implementation. :attr:`children` are added and removed via the :meth:`append` and :meth:`remove` methods. ''' if self._children is None: self._children = [] return self._children @property def has_default_content_type(self): '''``True`` if this is as the default content type. ''' return self._content_type == self._default_content_type def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs] def extend(self, iterable): """Extend this string with an iterable""" for child in iterable: self.append(child)
[docs] def append(self, child): '''Append ``child`` to the list of :attr:`children`. :param child: String, bytes or another :class:`.String`. If it is an :class:`.String`, this instance will be set as its :attr:`parent`. If ``child`` is ``None``, this method does nothing. ''' self.insert(None, child)
[docs] def prepend(self, child): '''Prepend ``child`` to the list of :attr:`children`. This is a shortcut for the :meth:`insert` method at index 0. :param child: String, bytes or another :class:`String`. If it is an :class:`.String`, this instance will be set as its :attr:`parent`. If ``child`` is ``None``, this method does nothing. ''' self.insert(0, child)
[docs] def insert(self, index, child): '''Insert ``child`` into the list of :attr:`children` at ``index``. :param index: The index (positive integer) where to insert ``child``. :param child: String, bytes or another :class:`String`. If it is an :class:`.String`, this instance will be set as its :attr:`parent`. If ``child`` is ``None``, this method does nothing. ''' # make sure that child is not in child if child not in (None, self): if isinstance(child, String): child_parent = child._parent if self._parent is child: # the parent is the child we are appending. # remove from the child child.remove(self) if child_parent: index = child_parent.children.index(child) child_parent.remove(child) child_parent.insert(index, self) elif child_parent: child_parent.remove(child) child._parent = self if index is None: self.children.append(child) else: self.children.insert(index, child)
[docs] def remove(self, child): '''Remove a ``child`` from the list of :attr:`children`.''' try: self.children.remove(child) if isinstance(child, String): child._parent = None except ValueError: pass
[docs] def remove_all(self): '''Remove all :attr:`children`.''' if self._children: for child in self._children: if isinstance(child, String): child._parent = None self._children = []
[docs] def append_to(self, parent): '''Append itself to ``parent``. Return ``self``.''' parent.append(self) return self
[docs] def stream(self, request): '''An iterable over strings or asynchronous elements. This is the most important method of an :class:`String`. It is called by :meth:`http_response` or by the :attr:`parent` of this :class:`String`. It returns an iterable (list, tuple or a generator) over strings (``unicode/str`` for python 2, ``str`` only for python 3) or :ref:`asynchronous elements <tutorials-coroutine>` which result in strings. This method can be called **once only**, otherwise a :class:`RuntimeError` occurs. This method should not be overwritten, instead one should use the :meth:`do_stream` to customise behaviour. ''' if self._streamed: raise RuntimeError('%s already streamed' % self) self._streamed = True if self._before_stream: for cbk in self._before_stream: cbk(request, self) return self.do_stream(request)
[docs] def do_stream(self, request): '''Returns an iterable over strings or asynchronous components. If :ref:`asynchronous elements <tutorials-coroutine>` are included in the iterable, when called, they must result in strings. This method can be re-implemented by subclasses and should not be invoked directly. Use the :meth:`stream` method instead. ''' if self._children: for child in self._children: if isinstance(child, String): for bit in yield bit else: yield child
[docs] def http_response(self, request, *stream): '''Return a :class:`.WsgiResponse` or a :class:`~asyncio.Future`. This method asynchronously wait for :meth:`stream` and subsequently returns a :class:`.WsgiResponse`. ''' if not stream: return self.render(request, partial(self.http_response, request)) stream = stream[0] content_types = request.content_types if not content_types or self._content_type in content_types: response = request.response response.content_type = self._content_type response.encoding = self.charset response.content = self.to_string(stream) return response else: raise HttpException(status=415, msg=request.content_types)
[docs] def to_string(self, streams): '''Called to transform the collection of ``streams`` into the content string. This method can be overwritten by derived classes. :param streams: a collection (list or dictionary) containing ``strings/bytes`` used to build the final ``string/bytes``. :return: a string or bytes ''' return to_string(''.join(stream_to_string(streams)))
[docs] def before_render(self, callback): '''Add a callback to be executed before this content is rendered The callback accept ``request`` and ``self`` as the only two arguments ''' if not self._before_stream: self._before_stream = [] self._before_stream.append(callback)
[docs] def render(self, request=None, callback=None): '''Render this string. This method returns a string or a :class:`~asyncio.Future` which results in a string. On the other hand, the callable method of a :class:`.String` **always** returns a :class:`~asyncio.Future`. ''' stream = [] async = False for data in if isawaitable(data): async = True stream.append(data) if not callback: callback = self.to_string if async: return chain_future(multi_async(stream), callback=callback) else: return callback(stream)
def __call__(self, request): stream = multi_async( return chain_future(stream, callback=self.to_string)
[docs]class Json(String): '''An :class:`String` which renders into a json string. The :attr:`String.content_type` attribute is set to ``application/json``. .. attribute:: as_list If ``True``, the content is always a list of objects. Default ``False``. .. attribute:: parameters Additional dictionary of parameters passed during initialisation. ''' _default_content_type = 'application/json' def _setup(self, as_list=False, **params): self.as_list = as_list super()._setup(**params) def do_stream(self, request): if self._children: for child in self._children: if isinstance(child, String): for bit in yield bit elif isinstance(child, Mapping): yield stream_mapping(child, request) else: yield child def to_string(self, stream): stream = stream if len(stream) == 1 and not self.as_list: stream = stream[0] return json.dumps(stream, ensure_ascii=self.charset == 'ascii')
[docs]def html_factory(tag, **defaults): '''Returns an :class:`Html` factory function for ``tag`` and a given dictionary of ``defaults`` parameters. For example:: >>> input_factory = html_factory('input', type='text') >>> html = input_factory(value='bla') ''' def html_input(*children, **params): p = defaults.copy() p.update(params) return Html(tag, *children, **p) return html_input
[docs]class Html(String): '''An :class:`String` for ``html`` content. The :attr:`~String.content_type` attribute is set to ``text/html``. :param tag: Set the :attr:`tag` attribute. Must be given and can be ``None``. :param children: Optional children which will be added via the :meth:`~String.append` method. :param params: Optional keyed-value parameters including: * ``cn`` class name or list of class names. * ``attr`` dictionary of attributes to add. * ``data`` dictionary of data to add (rendered as HTML data attribute). * ``type`` type of element, only supported for tags which accept the ``type`` attribute (for example the ``input`` tag). ''' _default_content_type = 'text/html' def __init__(self, tag, *children, **params): self._tag = tag self._extra = {} self._setup(**params) for child in children: self.append(child) @property def tag(self): '''The tag for this HTML element. One of ``div``, ``a``, ``table`` and so forth. It can be ``None``. ''' return self._tag @property def _classes(self): if 'classes' in self._extra: return self._extra['classes'] @property def _data(self): if 'data' in self._extra: return self._extra['data'] @property def _attr(self): if 'attr' in self._extra: return self._extra['attr'] @property def _css(self): if 'css' in self._extra: return self._extra['css'] @property def type(self): if 'attr' in self._extra: return self._extra['attr'].get('type')
[docs] def get_form_value(self): '''Return the value of this :class:`Html` element when it is contained in a Html form element. For most element it gets the ``value`` attribute. ''' return self._visitor.get_form_value(self)
[docs] def set_form_value(self, value): '''Set the value of this :class:`Html` element when it is contained in a Html form element. For most element it sets the ``value`` attribute.''' self._visitor.set_form_value(self, value)
def __repr__(self): if self._tag and self._tag in INLINE_TAGS: return '<%s%s/>' % (self._tag, self.flatatt()) elif self._tag: return '<%s%s>' % (self._tag, self.flatatt()) else: return self.__class__.__name__ def append(self, child): if child not in (None, self): tag = child_tag(self._tag) if tag: if isinstance(child, Html): if child.tag != tag: child = Html(tag, child) elif not child.startswith('<%s' % tag): child = Html(tag, child) super().append(child) def _setup(self, cn=None, attr=None, css=None, data=None, content_type=None, **params): self.charset = params.pop('charset', None) or 'utf-8' self._content_type = content_type or self._default_content_type self._visitor = html_visitor(self._tag) self.addClass(cn) self.attr(attr) self.css(css) self.attr(params)
[docs] def attr(self, *args): '''Add the specific attribute to the attribute dictionary with key ``name`` and value ``value`` and return ``self``.''' attr = self._attr if not args: return attr or {} result, adding = self._attrdata('attr', *args) if adding: for key, value in result.items(): if DATARE.match(key):[5:], value) else: if attr is None: self._extra['attr'] = attr = {} attr[key] = value result = self return result
[docs] def data(self, *args): '''Add or retrieve data values for this :class:`Html`.''' data = self._data if not args: return data or {} result, adding = self._attrdata('data', *args) if adding: if data is None: self._extra['data'] = {} add = self._visitor.add_data for key, value in result.items(): add(self, key, value) return self else: return result
[docs] def addClass(self, cn): '''Add the specific class names to the class set and return ``self``. ''' if cn: if isinstance(cn, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)): add = self.addClass for c in cn: add(c) else: classes = self._classes if classes is None: self._extra['classes'] = classes = set() add = classes.add for cn in cn.split(): add(slugify(cn)) return self
[docs] def hasClass(self, cn): '''``True`` if ``cn`` is a class of self.''' classes = self._classes return classes and cn in classes
[docs] def removeClass(self, cn): '''Remove classes''' if cn: ks = self._classes if ks: for cn in cn.split(): if cn in ks: ks.remove(cn) return self
[docs] def flatatt(self, **attr): '''Return a string with attributes to add to the tag''' cs = '' attr = self._attr classes = self._classes data = self._data css = self._css attr = attr.copy() if attr else {} if classes: cs = ' '.join(classes) attr['class'] = cs if css: attr['style'] = ' '.join(('%s:%s;' % (k, v) for k, v in css.items())) if data: for k, v in data.items(): attr['data-%s' % k] = dump_data_value(v) if attr: return ''.join(attr_iter(attr)) else: return ''
[docs] def css(self, mapping=None): '''Update the css dictionary if ``mapping`` is a dictionary, otherwise return the css value at ``mapping``. If ``mapping`` is not given, return the whole ``css`` dictionary if available. ''' css = self._css if mapping is None: return css elif isinstance(mapping, Mapping): if css is None: self._extra['css'] = css = {} css.update(mapping) return self else: return css.get(mapping) if css else None
[docs] def hide(self): '''Same as jQuery hide method.''' self.css({'display': 'none'}) return self
[docs] def show(self): '''Same as jQuery show method.''' css = self._css if css: css.pop('display', None) return self
[docs] def add_media(self, request): '''Invoked just before streaming this content. It can be used to add media entries to the document. TODO: more docs ''' pass
def do_stream(self, request): self.add_media(request) tag = self._tag n = '\n' if tag in newline else '' if tag and tag in INLINE_TAGS: yield '<%s%s>%s' % (tag, self.flatatt(), n) else: if tag: if not self._children: yield '<%s%s></%s>%s' % (tag, self.flatatt(), tag, n) else: yield '<%s%s>%s' % (tag, self.flatatt(), n) if self._children: for child in self._children: if isinstance(child, String): for bit in yield bit else: yield child if tag: yield '</%s>%s' % (tag, n) def _attrdata(self, cont, name, *val): if not name: return None, False if isinstance(name, Mapping): if val: raise TypeError('Cannot set a value to %s' % name) return name, True else: if val: if len(val) == 1: return {name: val[0]}, True else: raise TypeError('Too may arguments') else: cont = self._extra.get(cont) return cont.get(name) if cont else None, False
[docs]class Media(String): '''A container for both :class:`.Links` and :class:`.Scripts`. .. attribute:: media_path The base url path to the local media files, for example ``/media/``. Must include both slashes. .. attribute:: minified Optional flag indicating if relative media files should be modified to end with ``.min.js`` or ``.min.css`` rather than ``.js`` or ``.css`` respectively. Default: ``False`` ''' mediatype = None def __init__(self, media_path, minified=False, asset_protocol=None): super().__init__() self.media_path = media_path self.asset_protocol = asset_protocol if self.media_path and not self.media_path.endswith('/'): self.media_path = '%s/' % self.media_path self.minified = minified
[docs] def is_relative(self, path): '''Check if ``path`` is a local relative path. A path is local relative when it does not start with a slash ``/`` nor ``http://`` nor ``https://``. ''' return not (path.startswith('http://') or path.startswith('https://') or path.startswith('/'))
[docs] def absolute_path(self, path, minify=True): '''Return a suitable absolute url for ``path``. If ``path`` :meth:`is_relative` build a suitable url by prepending the :attr:`media_path` attribute. :return: A url path to insert in a HTML ``link`` or ``script``. ''' if minify: ending = '.%s' % self.mediatype if not path.endswith(ending): if self.minified: path = '%s.min' % path path = '%s%s' % (path, ending) # if self.is_relative(path) and self.media_path: return '%s%s' % (self.media_path, path) elif self.asset_protocol and path.startswith('//'): return '%s%s' % (self.asset_protocol, path) else: return path
def append(self, child, **kwargs): return self.insert(None, child, **kwargs)
[docs]class Scripts(Media): '''A :class:`.Media` container for ``script`` tags. Supports javascript Asynchronous Module Definition ''' mediatype = 'js' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.wait = kwargs.pop('wait', 200) self.paths = {} super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def script(self, src, type=None, **kwargs): type = type or 'application/javascript' path = self.absolute_path(src) return Html('script', src=path, type=type, **kwargs).render()
[docs] def insert(self, index, child, **kwargs): '''add a new script to the container. :param child: a ``string`` representing an absolute path to the script or relative path (does not start with ``http`` or ``/``), in which case the :attr:`Media.media_path` attribute is prepended. ''' if child: script = self.script(child, **kwargs) if script not in self.children: if index is None: self.children.append(script) else: self.children.insert(index, script)
class Embedded(Html): def __init__(self, tag, **kwargs): super().__init__(None, **kwargs) self._child_tag = tag self._child_kwargs = kwargs def append(self, child, media=None): self.insert(None, child, media=media) def insert(self, index, child, media=None): if not isinstance(child, Html): kwargs = self._child_kwargs if media: kwargs['media'] = media child = Html(self._child_tag, child, **kwargs) super().insert(index, child) class Body(Html): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__('body') self.scripts = Scripts(**kwargs) self.before_render(add_scripts) def add_scripts(request, body): body.append(body.scripts)
[docs]class HtmlDocument(Html): '''An :class:`.Html` component rendered as an HTML5_ document. An instance of this class can be obtained via the :attr:`.WsgiRequest.html_document` attribute. .. attribute:: head The :class:`.Head` part of this :class:`HtmlDocument` .. attribute:: body The body part of this :class:`HtmlDocument`, an :class:`.Html` element .. _HTML5: ''' _template = ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n' '<html%s>\n' '%s%s' '</html>') def __init__(self, title=None, media_path='/media/', charset=None, minified=False, loop=None, asset_protocol=None, **params): super().__init__(None, **params) self.head = Head(title=title, media_path=media_path, minified=minified, charset=charset, asset_protocol=asset_protocol) self.body = Body(media_path=media_path, minified=minified, asset_protocol=asset_protocol) def do_stream(self, request): # stream the body body = self.body.render(request) # the body has asynchronous components # delay the header until later if isawaitable(body): yield self._html(request, body) head = self.head.render(request) # # header not ready (this should never occur really) if isawaitable(head): yield self._html(request, body, head) else: yield self._template % (self.flatatt(), head, body) async def _html(self, request, body, head=None): '''Asynchronous rendering ''' if head is None: body = await body head = self.head.render(request) if isawaitable(head): head = await head return self._template % (self.flatatt(), head, body)