Source code for pulsar.apps.wsgi.routers


.. contents::

Routing is the process of matching and parsing a URL to something we can use.
Pulsar provides a flexible integrated
routing system you can use for that. It works by creating a
:class:`Router` instance with its own ``rule`` and, optionally, additional
sub-routers for handling additional urls::

    class Page(Router):
        response_content_types = RouterParam(('text/html',

        def get(self, request):
            "This method handle requests with get-method"

        def post(self, request):
            "This method handle requests with post-method"

        def delete(self, request):
            "This method handle requests with delete-method"


    middleware = Page('/bla')

.. _wsgi-router:


The :ref:`middleware <wsgi-middleware>` constructed in the snippet above
handles ``get`` and ``post`` methods at the ``/bla`` url.
The :class:`Router` introduces a new element into pulsar WSGI handlers, the
:ref:`wsgi request <app-wsgi-request>`, a light-weight wrapper of the
WSGI environ.

For an exhaustive example on how to use the :class:`Router` middleware make
sure you check out the :ref:`HttpBin example <tutorials-httpbin>`.

.. autoclass:: Router
   :member-order: bysource

.. _wsgi-media-router:

Media Router

The :class:`MediaRouter` is a specialised :class:`Router` for serving static
files such ass ``css``, ``javascript``, images and so forth.

.. autoclass:: MediaRouter
   :member-order: bysource

File Response

High level, battery included function for serving small and large files
concurrently. Caveat, you app does not need to be asynchronous to use this

.. autofunction:: file_response


.. autoclass:: RouterParam
   :member-order: bysource

.. _WSGI:
import os
import re
import stat
import mimetypes
from email.utils import parsedate_tz, mktime_tz

from pulsar.utils.httpurl import http_date, CacheControl
from pulsar.utils.structures import OrderedDict
from pulsar.utils.slugify import slugify
from import digest
from pulsar import Http404, MethodNotAllowed

from .route import Route
from .utils import wsgi_request
from .content import Html

def get_roule_methods(attrs):
    rule_methods = []
    for code, callable in attrs:
        if code.startswith('__') or not hasattr(callable, '__call__'):
        rule_method = getattr(callable, 'rule_method', None)
        if isinstance(rule_method, tuple):
            rule_methods.append((code, rule_method))
    return sorted(rule_methods, key=lambda x: x[1].order)

def update_args(urlargs, args):
    if urlargs:
        return urlargs
    return args

def _get_default(parent, name):
    if name in parent.defaults:
        return getattr(parent, name)
    elif parent._parent:
        return _get_default(parent._parent, name)
        raise AttributeError

class SkipRoute(Exception):

[docs]class RouterParam: '''A :class:`RouterParam` is a way to flag a :class:`Router` parameter so that children can inherit the value if they don't define their own. A :class:`RouterParam` is always defined as a class attribute and it is processed by the :class:`Router` metaclass and stored in a dictionary available as ``parameter`` class attribute. .. attribute:: value The value associated with this :class:`RouterParam`. This is the value stored in the :class:`Router.parameters` dictionary at key given by the class attribute specified in the class definition. ''' def __init__(self, value=None): self.value = value
class RouterType(type): ''':class:`Router` metaclass.''' def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): rule_methods = get_roule_methods(attrs.items()) defaults = {} for key, value in list(attrs.items()): if isinstance(value, RouterParam): defaults[key] = attrs.pop(key).value no_rule = set(attrs) - set((x[0] for x in rule_methods)) base_rules = [] for base in reversed(bases): if hasattr(base, 'defaults'): params = base.defaults.copy() params.update(defaults) defaults = params if hasattr(base, 'rule_methods'): items = base.rule_methods.items() else: g = ((key, getattr(base, key)) for key in dir(base)) items = get_roule_methods(g) rules = [pair for pair in items if pair[0] not in no_rule] base_rules = base_rules + rules if base_rules: all = base_rules + rule_methods rule_methods = {} for namerule, rule in all: if namerule in rule_methods: rule = rule.override(rule_methods[namerule]) rule_methods[namerule] = rule rule_methods = sorted(rule_methods.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].order) attrs['rule_methods'] = OrderedDict(rule_methods) attrs['defaults'] = defaults return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
[docs]class Router(metaclass=RouterType): '''A :ref:`WSGI middleware <wsgi-middleware>` to handle client requests on multiple :ref:`routes <apps-wsgi-route>`. The user must implement the HTTP methods required by the application. For example if the route needs to serve a ``GET`` request, the ``get(self, request)`` method must be implemented. :param rule: String used for creating the :attr:`route` of this :class:`Router`. :param routes: Optional :class:`Router` instances which are added to the children :attr:`routes` of this router. :param parameters: Optional parameters for this router. .. attribute:: rule_methods A class attribute built during class creation. It is an ordered dictionary mapping method names with a five-elements tuple containing information about a child route (See the :class:`.route` decorator). .. attribute:: routes List of children :class:`Router` of this :class:`Router`. .. attribute:: parent The parent :class:`Router` of this :class:`Router`. .. attribute:: response_content_types A list/tuple of possible content types of a response to a client request. The client request must accept at least one of the response content types, otherwise an HTTP ``415`` exception occurs. .. attribute:: response_wrapper Optional function which wraps all handlers of this :class:`.Router`. The function must accept two parameters, the original handler and the :class:`.WsgiRequest`:: def response_wrapper(handler, request): ... return handler(request) ''' _creation_count = 0 _parent = None name = None SkipRoute = SkipRoute response_content_types = RouterParam(None) response_wrapper = RouterParam(None) def __init__(self, rule, *routes, **parameters): Router._creation_count += 1 self._creation_count = Router._creation_count if not isinstance(rule, Route): rule = Route(rule) self._route = rule parameters.setdefault('name', or or '') self._set_params(parameters) self.routes = [] # add routes specified via the initialiser first for router in routes: self.add_child(router) for name, rule_method in self.rule_methods.items(): rule, method, params, _, _ = rule_method rparameters = params.copy() handler = getattr(self, name) self.add_child(self.make_router(rule, method=method, handler=handler, **rparameters)) @property def route(self): '''The relative :class:`.Route` served by this :class:`Router`. ''' parent = self._parent if parent and parent._route.is_leaf: return parent.route + self._route else: return self._route @property def full_route(self): '''The full :attr:`route` for this :class:`.Router`. It includes the :attr:`parent` portion of the route if a parent router is available. ''' if self._parent: return self._parent.full_route + self._route else: return self._route @property def root(self): '''The root :class:`Router` for this :class:`Router`.''' if self.parent: return self.parent.root else: return self @property def parent(self): return self._parent @property def creation_count(self): '''Integer for sorting :class:`Router` by creation. Auto-generated during initialisation.''' return self._creation_count @property def rule(self): '''The full ``rule`` string for this :class:`Router`. It includes the :attr:`parent` portion of the rule if a :attr:`parent` router is available. ''' return self.full_route.rule
[docs] def path(self, **urlargs): '''The full path of this :class:`Router`. It includes the :attr:`parent` portion of url if a parent router is available. ''' return self.full_route.url(**urlargs)
[docs] def getparam(self, name, default=None, parents=False): '''A parameter in this :class:`.Router` ''' value = getattr(self, name, None) if value is None: if parents and self._parent: return self._parent.getparam(name, default, parents) else: return default else: return value
def __getattr__(self, name): '''Get the value of the ``name`` attribute. If the ``name`` is not available, retrieve it from the :attr:`parent` :class:`Router` if it exists. ''' available = False value = None if name in self.defaults: available = True value = self.defaults[name] if self._parent and value is None: try: return _get_default(self._parent, name) except AttributeError: pass if available: return value raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __repr__(self): return self.full_route.__repr__() def __call__(self, environ, start_response=None): path = environ.get('PATH_INFO') or '/' path = path[1:] router_args = self.resolve(path) if router_args: router, args = router_args try: return router.response(environ, args) except SkipRoute: pass
[docs] def resolve(self, path, urlargs=None): '''Resolve a path and return a ``(handler, urlargs)`` tuple or ``None`` if the path could not be resolved. ''' match = self.route.match(path) if match is None: if not self.route.is_leaf: # no match return elif '__remaining__' in match: path = match.pop('__remaining__') urlargs = update_args(urlargs, match) else: return self, update_args(urlargs, match) # for handler in self.routes: view_args = handler.resolve(path, urlargs) if view_args is None: continue return view_args
[docs] def response(self, environ, args): '''Once the :meth:`resolve` method has matched the correct :class:`Router` for serving the request, this matched router invokes this method to produce the WSGI response. ''' request = wsgi_request(environ, self, args) method = request.method.lower() request.set_response_content_type(self.response_content_types) callable = getattr(self, method, None) if callable is None: raise MethodNotAllowed response_wrapper = self.response_wrapper if response_wrapper: return response_wrapper(callable, request) return callable(request)
[docs] def add_child(self, router, index=None): '''Add a new :class:`Router` to the :attr:`routes` list. ''' assert isinstance(router, Router), 'Not a valid Router' assert router is not self, 'cannot add self to children' for r in self.routes: if r == router: return r elif r._route == router._route: raise ValueError('Cannot add route %s. Already avalable' % r._route) # # Remove from previous parent if router.parent: router.parent.remove_child(router) router._parent = self if index is None: self.routes.append(router) else: self.routes.insert(index, router) return router
[docs] def remove_child(self, router): '''remove a :class:`Router` from the :attr:`routes` list.''' if router in self.routes: self.routes.remove(router) router._parent = None
[docs] def get_route(self, name): '''Get a child :class:`Router` by its :attr:`name`. This method search child routes recursively. ''' for route in self.routes: if == name: return route for child in self.routes: route = child.get_route(name) if route: return route
[docs] def has_parent(self, router): '''Check if ``router`` is ``self`` or a parent or ``self`` ''' parent = self while parent and parent is not router: parent = parent._parent return parent is not None
[docs] def make_router(self, rule, method=None, handler=None, cls=None, name=None, **params): '''Create a new :class:`.Router` from a ``rule`` and parameters. This method is used during initialisation when building child Routers from the :attr:`rule_methods`. ''' cls = cls or Router router = cls(rule, name=name, **params) for r in self.routes: if r._route == router._route: if isinstance(r, cls): router = r router._set_params(params) break if method and handler: if isinstance(method, tuple): for m in method: setattr(router, m, handler) else: setattr(router, method, handler) return router
# INTERNALS def _set_params(self, parameters): for name, value in parameters.items(): if name not in self.defaults: name = slugify(name, separator='_') setattr(self, name, value)
class MediaMixin: cache_control = CacheControl(maxage=86400) def serve_file(self, request, fullpath, status_code=None): return file_response(request, fullpath, status_code=status_code, cache_control=self.cache_control) def directory_index(self, request, fullpath): names = [Html('a', '../', href='../', cn='folder')] files = [] for f in sorted(os.listdir(fullpath)): if not f.startswith('.'): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fullpath, f)): names.append(Html('a', f, href=f+'/', cn='folder')) else: files.append(Html('a', f, href=f)) names.extend(files) return self.static_index(request, names) def static_index(self, request, links): doc = request.html_document doc.title = 'Index of %s' % request.path title = Html('h2', doc.title) list = Html('ul', *[Html('li', a) for a in links]) doc.body.append(Html('div', title, list)) return doc.http_response(request)
[docs]class MediaRouter(Router, MediaMixin): '''A :class:`Router` for serving static media files from a given directory. :param rute: The top-level url for this router. For example ``/media`` will serve the ``/media/<path:path>`` :class:`Route`. :param path: Check the :attr:`path` attribute. :param show_indexes: Check the :attr:`show_indexes` attribute. .. attribute:: path The file-system path of the media files to serve. .. attribute:: show_indexes If ``True``, the router will serve media file directories as well as media files. .. attribute:: serve_only File suffixes to be served. When specified this is a set of suffixes (jpeg, png, json for example) which are served by this router if a file does not match the suffix it wont be served and the router return nothing so that other router can process the url. .. attribute:: default_file The default file to serve when a directory is requested. ''' def __init__(self, rule, path=None, show_indexes=False, default_suffix=None, default_file='index.html', serve_only=None, **params): super().__init__('%s/<path:path>' % rule, **params) self._serve_only = set(serve_only or ()) self._default_suffix = default_suffix self._default_file = default_file self._show_indexes = show_indexes self._file_path = path or '' def filesystem_path(self, request): return self.get_full_path(request.urlargs['path']) def get_full_path(self, path): bits = [bit for bit in path.split('/') if bit] return os.path.join(self._file_path, *bits) def get(self, request): if self._serve_only: suffix = request.urlargs.get('path', '').split('.')[-1] if suffix not in self._serve_only: raise self.SkipRoute fullpath = self.filesystem_path(request) if not self._serve_only: if os.path.isdir(fullpath) and self._default_file: file = os.path.join(fullpath, self._default_file) if os.path.isfile(file): if not request.path.endswith('/'): return request.redirect('%s/' % request.path) fullpath = file # # Check for missing suffix if self._default_suffix: ext = '.%s' % self._default_suffix if not fullpath.endswith(ext): file = '%s%s' % (fullpath, ext) if os.path.isfile(file): fullpath = file if os.path.isdir(fullpath): if self._show_indexes: return self.directory_index(request, fullpath) else: raise Http404 # try: return self.serve_file(request, fullpath) except Http404: file404 = self.get_full_path('404.html') if os.path.isfile(file404): return self.serve_file(request, file404, status_code=404) else: raise
def modified_since(header, size=0): try: if header is None: raise ValueError matches = re.match(r"^([^;]+)(; length=([0-9]+))?$", header, re.IGNORECASE) header_mtime = mktime_tz(parsedate_tz( header_len = if header_len and int(header_len) != size: raise ValueError return header_mtime except (AttributeError, ValueError, OverflowError): pass def was_modified_since(header=None, mtime=0, size=0): '''Check if an item was modified since the user last downloaded it :param header: the value of the ``If-Modified-Since`` header. If this is ``None``, simply return ``True`` :param mtime: the modification time of the item in question. :param size: the size of the item. ''' header_mtime = modified_since(header, size) if header_mtime and header_mtime <= mtime: return False return True
[docs]def file_response(request, filepath, block=None, status_code=None, content_type=None, encoding=None, cache_control=None): """Utility for serving a local file Typical usage:: from pulsar.apps import wsgi class MyRouter(wsgi.Router): def get(self, request): return wsgi.file_response(request, "<filepath>") :param request: Wsgi request :param filepath: full path of file to serve :param block: Optional block size (default 1MB) :param status_code: Optional status code (default 200) :return: a :class:`~.WsgiResponse` object """ file_wrapper = request.get('wsgi.file_wrapper') if os.path.isfile(filepath): response = request.response info = os.stat(filepath) size = info[stat.ST_SIZE] modified = info[stat.ST_MTIME] header = request.get('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE') if not was_modified_since(header, modified, size): response.status_code = 304 else: if not content_type: content_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath) file = open(filepath, 'rb') response.headers['content-length'] = str(size) response.content = file_wrapper(file, block) response.content_type = content_type response.encoding = encoding if status_code: response.status_code = status_code else: response.headers["Last-Modified"] = http_date(modified) if cache_control: etag = digest('modified: %d - size: %d' % (modified, size)) cache_control(response.headers, etag=etag) return response raise Http404