Source code for pulsar.utils.exceptions

A list of all Exception specific to pulsar library.
import traceback

from .httpurl import Headers

__all__ = ['PulsarException',
           # HTTP client exception
           # HTTP Exceptions

[docs]class PulsarException(Exception): '''Base class of all Pulsar exceptions.'''
class MonitorStarted(PulsarException): exit_code = 0
[docs]class ImproperlyConfigured(PulsarException): '''A :class:`PulsarException` raised when an inconsistent configuration has occurred. .. attribute:: exit_code the exit code when rising this exception is set to 2. This will cause pulsar to log the error rather than the full stack trace. ''' exit_code = 2
class CommandError(PulsarException): pass class CommandNotFound(CommandError): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__('Command "%s" not available' % name)
[docs]class ProtocolError(PulsarException): '''A :class:`PulsarException` raised when the protocol encounter unexpected data. It will close the socket connection ''' status_code = None def ProtocolError(self, msg=None, status_code=None): super().__init__(msg) self.status_code = status_code
class EventAlreadyRegistered(PulsarException): pass
[docs]class InvalidOperation(PulsarException): '''An invalid operation in pulsar''' pass
[docs]class HaltServer(BaseException): ''':class:`BaseException` raised to stop a running server. When ``exit_code`` is greater than 1, it is considered an expected failure and therefore the full stack trace is not logged.''' def __init__(self, reason='Exiting server.', exit_code=3): super().__init__(reason) self.exit_code = exit_code
class LockError(RuntimeError): pass # #################################################################### HTTP
[docs]class HttpRequestException(ConnectionError): "Base for all HTTP related errors" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize RequestException with `request` and `response` objects. """ response = kwargs.pop('response', None) self.response = response self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None) if (response is not None and not self.request and hasattr(response, 'request')): self.request = self.response.request super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class HttpConnectionError(HttpRequestException): """A Connection error occurred."""
[docs]class HttpProxyError(HttpConnectionError): """A proxy error occurred."""
[docs]class SSLError(HttpConnectionError): """An SSL error occurred."""
# #################################################################### HTTP http_errors = {} def httperror(c): http_errors[c.status] = c return c @httperror
[docs]class HttpException(PulsarException): '''The base class of all ``HTTP`` server exceptions Introduces the following attributes: .. attribute:: status The numeric status code for the exception (ex 500 for server error). Default: ``500``. .. attribute:: headers Additional headers to add to the client response. ''' status = 500 def __init__(self, msg='', status=None, handler=None, strict=False, headers=None, content_type=None): self.status = status or self.status self.code = self.status # for compatibility with HTTPError self.handler = handler self.strict = strict self.content_type = content_type self._headers = Headers.make(headers) super().__init__(msg) @property def headers(self): return list(self._headers)
[docs]class HttpRedirect(HttpException): '''An :class:`HttpException` for redirects. The :attr:`~HttpException.status` is set to ``302`` by default. ''' status = 302 def __init__(self, location, status=None, headers=None, **kw): headers = Headers.make(headers) headers['location'] = location super().__init__(status=status or self.status, headers=headers, **kw) @property def location(self): '''The value in the ``Location`` header entry. ''' return self._headers['location']
@httperror class BadRequest(HttpException): status = 400 @httperror class Http401(HttpException): status = 401 def __init__(self, auth, msg=''): headers = [('WWW-Authenticate', auth)] super().__init__(msg=msg, headers=headers) @httperror
[docs]class PermissionDenied(HttpException): '''An :class:`HttpException` with default ``403`` status code.''' status = 403
[docs]class Http404(HttpException): '''An :class:`HttpException` with default ``404`` status code.''' status = 404
[docs]class MethodNotAllowed(HttpException): '''An :class:`HttpException` with default ``405`` status code.''' status = 405
@httperror class HttpGone(HttpException): status = 410 @httperror class Unsupported(HttpException): status = 415 @httperror class UnprocessableEntity(HttpException): status = 422 def format_traceback(exc): return traceback.format_exception(exc.__class__, exc, exc.__traceback__)