================ Using command ================ We take a look on how to spawn an actor which echoes us when we send it a message. The first method for achieving this is to write an :ref:`actor command `:: from asyncio import ensure_future from pulsar import arbiter, command, spawn, send names = ['john', 'luca', 'carl', 'jo', 'alex'] @command() def greetme(request, message): echo = 'Hello {}!'.format(message['name']) request.actor.logger.info(echo) return echo class Greeter: def __init__(self): a = arbiter() self._loop = a._loop self._loop.call_later(1, self) a.start() def __call__(self, a=None): ensure_future(self._work(a)) async def _work(self, a=None): if a is None: a = await spawn(name='greeter') if names: name = names.pop() await send(a, 'greetme', {'name': name}) self._loop.call_later(1, self, a) else: arbiter().stop() if __name__ == '__main__': Greeter()