
A list of all Exception specific to pulsar library.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.PulsarException[source]

Base class of all Pulsar exceptions.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured[source]

A PulsarException raised when an inconsistent configuration has occurred.


the exit code when rising this exception is set to 2. This will cause pulsar to log the error rather than the full stack trace.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.ProtocolError[source]

A PulsarException raised when the protocol encounter unexpected data.

It will close the socket connection

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.InvalidOperation[source]

An invalid operation in pulsar

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.HaltServer(reason='Exiting server.', exit_code=3)[source]

BaseException raised to stop a running server.

When exit_code is greater than 1, it is considered an expected failure and therefore the full stack trace is not logged.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.HttpRequestException(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base for all HTTP related errors

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.HttpConnectionError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A Connection error occurred.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.HttpProxyError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A proxy error occurred.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.SSLError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

An SSL error occurred.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.HttpException(msg='', status=None, handler=None, strict=False, headers=None, content_type=None)[source]

The base class of all HTTP server exceptions

Introduces the following attributes:


The numeric status code for the exception (ex 500 for server error).

Default: 500.


Additional headers to add to the client response.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.HttpRedirect(location, status=None, headers=None, **kw)[source]

An HttpException for redirects.

The status is set to 302 by default.


The value in the Location header entry.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.PermissionDenied(msg='', status=None, handler=None, strict=False, headers=None, content_type=None)[source]

An HttpException with default 403 status code.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.Http404(msg='', status=None, handler=None, strict=False, headers=None, content_type=None)[source]

An HttpException with default 404 status code.

exception pulsar.utils.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(msg='', status=None, handler=None, strict=False, headers=None, content_type=None)[source]

An HttpException with default 405 status code.