Source code for examples.calculator.manage
This is a a :ref:`JSON-RPC <apps-rpc>` server with some simple functions.
To run the server type::
Open a new shell and launch python and type::
>>> from pulsar.apps import rpc
>>> p = rpc.JsonProxy('http://localhost:8060')
>>> p.functions_list()
>>> p.calc.add(3,4)
The calculator rpc functions are implemented by the :class:`Calculator`
handler, while the :class:`Root` handler exposes utility methods from
the :class:`.PulsarServerCommands` handler.
.. autoclass:: Calculator
:member-order: bysource
.. autoclass:: Root
:member-order: bysource
.. autoclass:: Site
:member-order: bysource
from random import normalvariate
from pulsar import as_coroutine
from pulsar.apps import rpc, wsgi
from pulsar.utils.httpurl import JSON_CONTENT_TYPES
def divide(request, a, b):
'''Divide two numbers.
This method illustrate how to use the :func:`.rpc_method` decorator.'''
return float(a)/float(b)
def request_handler(request, format, kwargs):
'''Dummy request handler for test coverage
return kwargs
def randompaths(request, num_paths=1, size=250, mu=0, sigma=1):
'''Lists of random walks.'''
r = []
for p in range(num_paths):
v = 0
path = [v]
for t in range(size):
v += normalvariate(mu, sigma)
return r
class RequestCheck:
async def __call__(self, request, name):
data = await as_coroutine(request.body_data())
assert(data['method'] == name)
return True
[docs]class Root(rpc.PulsarServerCommands):
'''Add two rpc methods for testing to the :class:`.PulsarServerCommands`
[docs] def rpc_dodgy_method(self, request):
'''This method will fails because the return object is not
json serialisable.'''
return Calculator
rpc_check_request = RequestCheck()
[docs]class Calculator(rpc.JSONRPC):
'''A :class:`.JSONRPC` handler which implements few simple
remote methods.
[docs] def rpc_add(self, request, a, b):
'''Add two numbers'''
return float(a) + float(b)
[docs] def rpc_subtract(self, request, a, b):
'''Subtract two numbers'''
return float(a) - float(b)
[docs] def rpc_multiply(self, request, a, b):
'''Multiply two numbers'''
return float(a) * float(b)
rpc_divide = rpc.rpc_method(divide, request_handler=request_handler)
rpc_randompaths = rpc.rpc_method(randompaths)
[docs]class Site(wsgi.LazyWsgi):
'''WSGI handler for the RPC server'''
[docs] def setup(self, environ):
'''Called once to setup the list of wsgi middleware.'''
json_handler = Root().putSubHandler('calc', Calculator())
middleware = wsgi.Router('/', post=json_handler,
response = [wsgi.GZipMiddleware(200)]
return wsgi.WsgiHandler(middleware=[wsgi.wait_for_body_middleware,
def server(callable=None, **params):
return wsgi.WSGIServer(Site(), **params)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma nocover