Source code for examples.echoudp.manage

This example illustrates how to write a UDP Echo server and client pair.
The code for this example is located in the :mod:`examples.echoudp.manage`

Run The example

To run the server::


Open a new shell, in this directory, launch python and type::

    >>> from manage import Echo
    >>> echo = Echo(('localhost', 8060))
    >>> echo(b'Hello!\\n')

Writing the Client

The first step is to write a small class handling a connection
pool with the remote server. The :class:`Echo` class does just that,
it subclass the handy :class:`.AbstractUdpClient` and uses
the asynchronous :class:`.Pool` of connections as backbone.

The second step is the implementation of the :class:`EchoUdpProtocol`,
a subclass of :class:`.DatagramProtocol`.
The :class:`EchoUdpProtocol` is needed for two reasons:

* It encodes and sends the request to the remote server
* It listens for incoming data from the remote server via the
  :meth:`~EchoUdpProtocol.datagram_received` method.


Echo UDP Protocol

.. autoclass:: EchoUdpProtocol
   :member-order: bysource

Echo Client

.. autoclass:: Echo
   :member-order: bysource

   .. automethod:: __call__

Echo Server

.. autofunction:: server

import pulsar
from pulsar import Pool, create_future, DatagramProtocol
from pulsar.utils.pep import to_bytes
from pulsar.apps.socket import UdpSocketServer

[docs]class EchoUdpProtocol(DatagramProtocol): '''A base :class:`.DatagramProtocol` for UDP echo clients and servers. The only difference between client and server is the implementation of the :meth:`response` method. ''' separator = b'\n' '''A separator for messages.''' buffer = None '''The buffer for long messages'''
[docs] def datagram_received(self, data, addr): '''Handle data from ``addr``. ''' if self.buffer and addr in self.buffer: data = self.buffer.pop(addr) + data while data: idx = data.find(self.separator) if idx >= 0: # we have a full message idx += len(self.separator) chunk, data = data[:idx], data[idx:] self.response(chunk, addr) else: if self.buffer is None: self.buffer = {} self.buffer[addr] = data data = None
[docs] def response(self, data, addr): '''Abstract response handler''' raise NotImplementedError
class EchoUdpClientProtocol(EchoUdpProtocol): _waiting = None def send(self, message): assert self._waiting is None self._waiting = d = create_future(self._loop) self._transport.sendto(to_bytes(message)+self.separator) return d def response(self, data, addr): '''Got a full response''' d, self._waiting = self._waiting, None if d: d.set_result(data[:-len(self.separator)]) class EchoUdpServerProtocol(EchoUdpProtocol): '''The :class:`EchoUdpProtocol` used by the echo udp :func:`server`. ''' def response(self, data, addr): '''Override :meth:`~EchoProtocol.response` method by writing the ``data`` received back to the client. ''' self._transport.sendto(data, addr)
[docs]class Echo(pulsar.AbstractUdpClient): '''A client for the echo server. :param address: set the :attr:`address` attribute :param pool_size: used when initialising the connection :attr:`pool`. :param loop: Optional event loop to set the :attr:`_loop` attribute. .. attribute:: _loop The event loop used by the client IO requests. The event loop is stored at this attribute so that asynchronous method decorators such as :func:`.task` can be used. .. attribute:: address remote server UDP address. .. attribute:: pool Asynchronous client protocol :class:`.Pool`. ''' protocol_factory = EchoUdpClientProtocol def __init__(self, address, pool_size=5, loop=None): super().__init__(loop) self.address = address self.pool = Pool(self.create_endpoint, pool_size, self._loop) def create_endpoint(self): return self.create_datagram_endpoint(remote_addr=self.address)
[docs] def __call__(self, message): '''Send a ``message`` to the server and wait for a response. :return: a :class:`.Future` ''' result = self._call(message) if not self._loop.is_running(): return self._loop.run_until_complete(result) else: return result
async def _call(self, message): protocol = await self.pool.connect() with protocol: result = await protocol.send(message) return result
[docs]def server(name=None, description=None, **kwargs): '''Create the :class:`.UdpSocketServer`. ''' name = name or 'echoudpserver' description = description or 'Echo Udp Server' return UdpSocketServer(EchoUdpServerProtocol, name=name, description=description, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma nocover server().start()