Source code for examples.flaskgreen.manage
"""This script demonstrates the use synchronous web frameworks such as flask_
in the context of asynchronous responses. It uses pulsar the :mod:`.greenio`
module to run flask on a pool of greenlet.
This configuration allows the use of the greenlet-friendly :class:`EchoGreen`
client within a flask response function.
The Echo server starts at the same time as the Flask WSGI server.
To run the script::
and point to http://localhost:8080 or any other sub urls.
Main Classes
.. autoclass:: FlaskSite
.. autoclass:: EchoGreen
.. autoclass:: FlaskSite
In this snippet the following components are used:
* Pulsar :class:`.MultiApp`
* Pulsar :class:`.WSGIServer`
* Pulsar :class:`.SocketServer`
* Pulsar :class:`.GreenWSGI`
For more information about writing server and clients check the
:ref:`writing clients tutorial <tutorials-writing-clients>`.
.. _flask:
from functools import partial
from flask import Flask, make_response
from pulsar.apps import wsgi
import pulsar
from pulsar import Pool, Connection, AbstractClient, ProtocolError
from pulsar.apps.socket import SocketServer
from pulsar import MultiApp, Config
from pulsar.apps.wsgi import WSGIServer
from pulsar.apps.greenio import GreenPool
from pulsar.apps.greenio.wsgi import GreenWSGI
class EchoProtocol(pulsar.ProtocolConsumer):
separator = b'\r\n\r\n'
'''A separator for messages.'''
buffer = b''
'''The buffer for long messages'''
def data_received(self, data):
if self.buffer:
data = self.buffer + data
idx = data.find(self.separator)
if idx >= 0: # we have a full message
idx += len(self.separator)
data, rest = data[:idx], data[idx:]
self.buffer = self.response(data, rest)
return rest
self.buffer = data
def start_request(self):
self.transport.write(self._request + self.separator)
def response(self, data, rest):
if rest:
raise ProtocolError
return data[:-len(self.separator)]
class EchoServerProtocol(EchoProtocol):
'''The :class:`EchoProtocol` used by the echo :func:`server`.
def response(self, data, rest):
data = data[:-len(self.separator)]
# If we get a QUIT message, close the transport.
# Used by the test suite.
if data == b'QUIT':
return data
[docs]class EchoGreen(AbstractClient):
"""A client for the echo server to be used by the Flask application
protocol_factory = partial(Connection, EchoProtocol)
address = None
def __init__(self, appname, wait, pool_size=5, loop=None):
self.app_name = appname
self.wait = wait
self.pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size, self._loop)
def connect(self):
return self.create_connection(self.address)
def __call__(self, message):
return self.wait(self._call(message))
async def _call(self, message):
# get the address of the echo application
if not self.address:
app = await pulsar.get_application(self.app_name)
self.address = app.cfg.addresses[0]
connection = await self.pool.connect()
with connection:
consumer = connection.current_consumer()
await consumer.on_finished
return consumer.buffer
def FlaskApp(echo):
app = Flask(__name__)
def not_found(e):
return make_response("404 Page", 404)
@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def home():
return "Try any other url for an echo"
@app.route('/<path>', methods=['GET'])
def add_org(path):
a = echo(path.encode('utf-8'))
return "Flask Url : %s" % a.decode('utf-8')
return app
[docs]class FlaskSite(wsgi.LazyWsgi):
"""Configure a flask_ application to run on a :class:`.GreenPool`
def setup(self, environ=None):
green_pool = GreenPool()
cfg = environ['pulsar.cfg']
echo_app_name = 'echo_%s' %
echo = EchoGreen(echo_app_name, green_pool.wait)
app = FlaskApp(echo)
return wsgi.WsgiHandler([GreenWSGI(app, green_pool)])
class FlaskGreen(MultiApp):
"""Multiapp Server configurator
cfg = Config(bind=':8080', echo_bind=':8060')
def build(self):
yield self.new_app(WSGIServer, callable=FlaskSite())
yield self.new_app(SocketServer, 'echo', callable=EchoServerProtocol,
def log_connection(connection, exc=None):
if not exc:
connection.logger.debug('Got a new connection to echo server!')
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma nocover