Source code for examples.philosophers.manage

The dining philosophers_ problem is an example problem often used in
concurrent algorithm design to illustrate synchronisation issues and
techniques for resolving them.

The problem

Five silent philosophers sit at a round table with each a bowl of spaghetti.
A fork ``f`` is placed between each pair of adjacent philosophers ``P``::

         P     P
         O  f  O
        f       f
     P O         O P
         f     f

Each philosopher ``P`` must alternately think and eat from his bowl ``O``.
Eating is not limited by the amount of spaghetti left: assume an infinite

However, a philosopher can only eat while holding both the fork ``f`` to
the left and the fork to the right.
Each philosopher can pick up an adjacent fork, when available, and put it down,
when holding it. These are separate actions: forks must be picked up and put
down one by one.

This implementation will just work. No starvation or dead-lock.

There are two parameters:

* Average eating period, the higher the more time is spend eating.
* Average waiting period, the higher the more frequent philosophers
  get a chance to eat.

To run the example, type::



.. autoclass:: DiningPhilosophers
   :member-order: bysource

.. _philosophers:

import random
from asyncio import ensure_future

import pulsar
from pulsar import command

class PhilosophersSetting(pulsar.Setting):
    virtual = True
    app = 'philosophers'
    section = "Socket Servers"

class EatingPeriod(PhilosophersSetting):
    flags = ["--eating-period"]
    validator = pulsar.validate_pos_float
    default = 2
    desc = """The average period of eating for a philosopher."""

class WaitingPeriod(PhilosophersSetting):
    flags = ["--waiting-period"]
    validator = pulsar.validate_pos_float
    default = 2
    desc = """The average period of waiting for a missing fork."""

def putdown_fork(request, fork):
    self =
    except KeyError:
        self.logger.error('Putting down a fork which was already available')

def pickup_fork(request, fork_right):
    self =
    num_philosophers = self.cfg.workers
    fork_left = fork_right - 1
    if fork_left == 0:
        fork_left = num_philosophers
    for fork in (fork_right, fork_left):
        if fork not in self.not_available_forks:
            # Fork is available, send it to the philosopher
            return fork

[docs]class DiningPhilosophers(pulsar.Application): description = ('Dining philosophers sit at a table around a bowl of ' 'spaghetti and waits for available forks.') cfg = pulsar.Config(workers=5, apps=['philosophers']) def monitor_start(self, monitor): self.not_available_forks = set() def worker_start(self, philosopher, exc=None): self._loop = philosopher._loop self.eaten = 0 self.thinking = 0 self.started_waiting = 0 self.forks = [] philosopher._loop.call_soon(self.take_action, philosopher)
[docs] def worker_info(self, philosopher, info=None): '''Override :meth:`~.Application.worker_info` to provide information about the philosopher.''' info['philosopher'] = {'number': philosopher.number, 'eaten': self.eaten}
[docs] def take_action(self, philosopher): '''The ``philosopher`` performs one of these two actions: * eat, if he has both forks and then :meth:`release_forks`. * try to :meth:`pickup_fork`, if he has fewer than 2 forks. ''' loop = philosopher._loop forks = self.forks if forks: # # Two forks. Eat! if len(forks) == 2: self.thinking = 0 self.eaten += 1"eating... So far %s times", self.eaten) eat_time = 2*self.cfg.eating_period*random.random() return loop.call_later(eat_time, self.release_forks, philosopher) # # One fork only! release fork or try to pick one up elif len(forks) == 1: waiting_period = 2*self.cfg.waiting_period*random.random() if self.started_waiting == 0: self.started_waiting = loop.time() elif loop.time() - self.started_waiting > waiting_period: philosopher.logger.debug("tired of waiting") return self.release_forks(philosopher) # # this should never happen elif len(forks) > 2: # pragma nocover philosopher.logger.critical('more than 2 forks!!!') return self.release_forks(philosopher) else: if not self.thinking: philosopher.logger.warning('%s thinking...', self.thinking += 1 self.pickup_fork(philosopher)
[docs] def pickup_fork(self, philosopher): """Pick up a fork """ ensure_future(self._pickup_fork(philosopher), loop=philosopher._loop)
[docs] def release_forks(self, philosopher): '''The ``philosopher`` has just eaten and is ready to release both forks. This method releases them, one by one, by sending the ``put_down`` action to the monitor. ''' forks = self.forks self.forks = [] self.started_waiting = 0 for fork in forks: philosopher.logger.debug('Putting down fork %s', fork) philosopher.send('monitor', 'putdown_fork', fork) philosopher._loop.call_later(self.cfg.waiting_period, self.take_action, philosopher)
def actorparams(self, monitor, params): avail = set(range(1, monitor.cfg.workers+1)) for philosopher in monitor.managed_actors.values(): info = if info: avail.discard(info['philosopher']['number']) else: avail = None break number = min(avail) if avail else len(monitor.managed_actors) + 1 params.update({'name': 'Philosopher %s' % number, 'number': number}) async def _pickup_fork(self, philosopher): fork = await philosopher.send(philosopher.monitor, 'pickup_fork', philosopher.number) if fork: forks = self.forks if fork in forks: philosopher.logger.error('Got fork %s. I already have it', fork) else: philosopher.logger.debug('Got fork %s.', fork) forks.append(fork) philosopher._loop.call_soon(self.take_action, philosopher)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma nocover DiningPhilosophers().start()