Source code for pulsar.apps.rpc.mixins

import pulsar
from pulsar import isawaitable

from .jsonrpc import JSONRPC

__all__ = ['PulsarServerCommands']

[docs]class PulsarServerCommands(JSONRPC): '''Useful commands to add to your :class:`.JSONRPC` handler. It exposes the following functions:'''
[docs] def rpc_ping(self, request): '''Ping the server.''' return 'pong'
[docs] def rpc_echo(self, request, message=''): '''Echo the server.''' return message
[docs] async def rpc_server_info(self, request): '''Return a dictionary of information regarding the server and workers. It invokes the :meth:`extra_server_info` for adding custom information. ''' info = await pulsar.send('arbiter', 'info') info = self.extra_server_info(request, info) if isawaitable(info): info = await info return info
[docs] def rpc_functions_list(self, request): '''List of (method name, method document) pair of all method exposed by this :class:`.JSONRPC` handler.''' return list(self.listFunctions())
[docs] def rpc_documentation(self, request): '''Documentation in restructured text.''' return
[docs] def rpc_kill_actor(self, request, aid): '''Kill the actor with id equal to *aid*.''' return pulsar.send('arbiter', 'kill_actor', aid)
[docs] def extra_server_info(self, request, info): '''An internal method. Used by the :meth:`rpc_server_info` method to add additional information to the info dictionary. ''' return info