.. autoclass:: TestLoader
:member-order: bysource
import os
import re
import sys
import unittest
import pulsar
from pulsar.utils.importer import import_system_file
from .result import TestRunner
no_tags = set(('tests', 'test'))
build_directories = set(('build', 'dist', 'node_modules'))
test_patterns = [re.compile(r'''test_(?P<name>.*).py'''),
def issubclass_safe(cls, base_cls):
return issubclass(cls, base_cls)
except TypeError:
return False
def skip_module(mod_name):
return (mod_name.startswith('_') or
mod_name.startswith('.') or
mod_name in build_directories)
[docs]class TestLoader:
'''Classes used by the :class:`.TestSuite` to aggregate tests
from a list of paths.
The way it works is simple, you give a *root* directory and a list
of submodules where to look for tests.
:parameter root: root path passed by the :class:`.TestSuite`.
:parameter modules: list (or tuple) of entries where to look for tests.
Check :ref:`loading test documentation <apps-test-loading>` for
more information.
:parameter runner: The :class:`.TestRunner` passed by the test suite.
def __init__(self, suite):
self.stream = pulsar.get_stream(suite.cfg)
self.runner = TestRunner(suite.cfg.test_plugins, self.stream)
self.abort_message = self.runner.configure(suite.cfg)
self.root = suite.root_dir
self.modules = suite.cfg.test_modules
self.logger = suite.logger
def import_module(self, file_name, test_function=None):
return ModuleImporter(file_name, test_function, self.logger)
[docs] def test_files(self, include=None, exclude=None):
"""List of ``tag``, ``modules`` pairs.
:parameter tags: optional list of tags to include, if not available
all tags will be included.
:parameter exclude_tags: optional list of tags to exclude.
If not provided no tags will be excluded.
d = dict(self._test_files(include, exclude))
return [(k, d[k]) for k in sorted(d)]
def _all_tags(self, tag):
bits = tag.split('.')
tag, rest = bits[0], bits[1:]
yield tag
for b in rest:
tag += '.' + b
yield tag
def _check_tag(self, tag, include_tags, exclude_tags):
'''Return ``True`` if ``tag`` is in ``import_tags``.'''
if exclude_tags:
alltags = list(self._all_tags(tag))
for exclude_tag in exclude_tags:
for bit in alltags:
if bit == exclude_tag:
if include_tags:
found = set()
bits = tag.split('.')
for tags in include_tags:
tag = '.'.join(bits[:len(tags)])
index = tags.index(tag)
except ValueError:
remaining = tags[index+1:]
if len(remaining) == 1:
elif not remaining:
return True
return False
return found
return True
def _test_files(self, include, exclude):
if not self.modules:
yield from self._get_tests(self.root, include, exclude)
for name in self.modules:
absolute_path = os.path.join(self.root, name)
if os.path.isdir(absolute_path):
self.logger.debug('Loading from "%s"', name)
yield from self._get_tests(absolute_path, include, exclude)
raise ValueError('%s cannot be found in %s directory.'
% (name, self.root))
def _get_tests(self, path, include_tags, exclude_tags, tags=None):
"""Collect python modules for testing.
:parameter path: directory path where to search. Files starting
with ``_`` or ``.`` are excluded from the search,
as well as non-python files.
:parameter dotted_path: the dotted python path equivalent
of ``path``.
:parameter parent: the parent module for the current one.
This parameter is passed by this function recursively
:return: a generator of tag, module path pairs.
if tags is None:
tags = []
if include_tags:
include_tags = [
list(self._all_tags(tag)) for tag in include_tags
for mod_name in os.listdir(path):
if skip_module(mod_name):
mod_path = os.path.join(path, mod_name)
is_file = os.path.isfile(mod_path)
if is_file:
tag = self._match(mod_name)
if tag is None: # does not match and is a file, skip.
m_tags = tags + list(tag)
m_tags = tags if mod_name in no_tags else tags + [mod_name]
tag = '.'.join(m_tags)
if is_file:
found = self._check_tag(tag, include_tags, exclude_tags)
if isinstance(found, set):
for ttag in list(found):
test_function = ttag[len(tag)+1:]
if test_function.startswith('test'):
yield ttag, (mod_path, test_function)
elif found:
yield tag, (mod_path, None)
if tag and include_tags:
bits = set()
for itags in include_tags:
if tag not in bits:
yield from self._get_tests(mod_path, include_tags,
exclude_tags, m_tags)
def _match(self, name):
for pattern in test_patterns:
p = pattern.search(name)
if p:
return p.groups(0)
class ModuleImporter:
def __init__(self, file_name, test_function, logger):
self.file_name = file_name
self.test_function = test_function
self.logger = logger
def __iter__(self):
module = self.module()
if module:
test_function = self.test_function
for name in dir(module):
obj = getattr(module, name)
if issubclass_safe(obj, unittest.TestCase):
if self.test_function and not hasattr(obj, test_function):
yield obj, test_function
def module(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_module'):
module = None
module = import_system_file(self.file_name, False)
except ImportError:
self.logger.error('Failed to import module %s. Skipping.',
self.file_name, exc_info=True)
self.logger.debug('Full python path:\n%s', '\n'.join(sys.path))
except Exception:
self.logger.critical('Failed to import module %s. Skipping.',
self.file_name, exc_info=True)
self._module = module
return self._module