Source code for pulsar.apps.test.result

import unittest
from copy import deepcopy

from pulsar.utils.structures import AttributeDictionary

from .utils import TestFailure, LOGGER

__all__ = ['Plugin',

STDOUT_LINE = '\nStdout:\n%s'
STDERR_LINE = '\nStderr:\n%s'

def def_return_val(c):
    return None

[docs]class Plugin: '''Interface for all classes which are part of the :class:`.TestRunner`. Most classes used by the test application are plugins, for example the :class:`.TestRunner` itself, the :class:`.TestResult` and the :class:`.TestPlugin`. ''' result = None '''An optional result''' stream = None '''handle for writing text on the default output. Set by the :class:`.TestRunner` at runtime. ''' descriptions = None
[docs] def configure(self, cfg): '''Called once just after construction of a :class:`.TestRunner` and **before any test class is loaded**. This is a chance to configure the :class:`.Plugin` or global variables which may affect the way tests are run. If it returns something other than ``None`` (for example an abort message) it will stop the configuration of all subsequent plugins and quit the test. :parameter cfg: a :class:`.Config`. :return: ``None`` unless the tests runner must be stopped. ''' pass
@property def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__.lower() @property def count(self): return self.result.count if self.result else 0 @property def testsRun(self): return self.result.testsRun if self.result else 0
[docs] def on_start(self): '''Called by the :class:`.TestSuite` once only at startup. This callback is invoked once all tests are loaded but before the test suite starts running them. ''' pass
[docs] def on_end(self): '''Called by the :class:`.TestSuite` just before it stops. ''' pass
[docs] def loadTestsFromTestCase(self, testcls): '''Called when loading tests from the ``testcls`` class. Can be used to modify the number of test functions loaded.''' pass
[docs] def startTestClass(self, testcls): '''Called just before a ``testcls`` runs its tests. ''' pass
[docs] def stopTestClass(self, testcls): '''Called just after a ``testcls`` has run its tests. ''' pass
[docs] def startTest(self, test): '''Called just before a ``test`` function is executed. This is run just before ``_pre_setup`` method. ''' pass
[docs] def stopTest(self, test): '''Called just after a ``test`` function has finished. This is run just after the ``_post_teardown`` method. ''' pass
[docs] def before_test_function_run(self, test, local): '''Can be used by plugins to manipulate the ``test`` behaviour in the process domain where the test run.''' return test
[docs] def after_test_function_run(self, test, local): '''Executed in the ``test`` process domain, after the ``test`` has finished.''' pass
[docs] def addSuccess(self, test): '''Called when a ``test`` function succeed ''' pass
[docs] def addFailure(self, test, err): '''Called when a ``test`` function as a (test) failure ''' pass
[docs] def addError(self, test, err): '''Called when a ``test`` function as an (unexpected) error ''' pass
def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err): pass def addSkip(self, test, reason): pass def printErrors(self): pass def printSummary(self, timeTaken): pass def import_module(self, mod): return mod def getDescription(self, test): doc_first_line = test.shortDescription() teststr = test.tag if teststr.endswith(test._testMethodName): teststr = teststr[:-len(test._testMethodName)-1] teststr = '%s.%s' % (teststr, test) if self.descriptions and doc_first_line: return '\n'.join((teststr, doc_first_line)) else: return teststr
class TestStream(Plugin): # pragma nocover '''Handle the writing of test results''' separator1 = '=' * 70 separator2 = '-' * 70 def __init__(self, stream, result, descriptions=True): self._handlers = {} = stream self.result = result self.descriptions = descriptions self.showAll = False self.dots = True def configure(self, cfg): verbosity = cfg.verbosity self.showAll = verbosity > 1 self.dots = verbosity == 1 def handler(self, name): return self._handlers.get(name, def startTest(self, test): if self.showAll: self.head(test, 'Started') def head(self, test, v): v = self.getDescription(test) + ' ... %s\n' % v def addSuccess(self, test): if self.showAll: self.head(test, 'OK') elif self.dots:'.') def addError(self, test, err): if self.showAll: self.head(test, 'ERROR') elif self.dots:'E') def addFailure(self, test, err): if self.showAll: self.head(test, "FAIL") elif self.dots:'F') def addSkip(self, test, reason): if self.showAll: self.head(test, "skipped {0!r}".format(reason)) elif self.dots:"s") def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err): if self.showAll: self.head(test, "expected failure") elif self.dots:"x") def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test): if self.showAll: self.head(test, "unexpected success") elif self.dots:"u") def printErrors(self): if self.dots or self.showAll: self.printErrorList('ERROR', self.result.errors) self.printErrorList('FAIL', self.result.failures) return True def printErrorList(self, flavour, errors): for test, err in errors:"%s: %s" % (flavour, test))"%s" % err) def printSummary(self, timeTaken): '''Write the summuray of tests results.''' stream = result = self.result self.printErrors() run = result.testsRun stream.writeln("Ran %d test%s in %.3fs" % (run, run != 1 and "s" or "", timeTaken)) stream.writeln() expectedFails = unexpectedSuccesses = skipped = 0 results = map(len, (result.expectedFailures, result.unexpectedSuccesses, result.skipped)) expectedFails, unexpectedSuccesses, skipped = results infos = [] if not result.wasSuccessful(): stream.write("FAILED") failed, errored = map(len, (result.failures, result.errors)) if failed: infos.append("failures=%d" % failed) if errored: infos.append("errors=%d" % errored) else: stream.write("OK") if skipped: infos.append("skipped=%d" % skipped) if expectedFails: infos.append("expected failures=%d" % expectedFails) if unexpectedSuccesses: infos.append("unexpected successes=%d" % unexpectedSuccesses) if infos: stream.writeln(" (%s)" % (", ".join(infos),)) else: stream.write("\n") return True
[docs]class TestResult(Plugin): '''A :class:`.Plugin` for collecting results/failures for test runs. Each :class:`.Plugin` can access the :class:`.TestRunner` ``result`` object via the :attr:`~Plugin.result` attribute. ''' def __init__(self, descriptions=True): self.descriptions = descriptions self._testsRun = 0 self._count = 0 self.failures = [] self.errors = [] self.skipped = [] self.expectedFailures = [] self.unexpectedSuccesses = [] @property def count(self): return self._count @property def testsRun(self): return self._testsRun @property def result(self): return self
[docs] def startTest(self, test): '''Increase the test counter ''' self._testsRun += 1
[docs] def addError(self, test, err): # pragma nocover '''Called when an unexpected error has occurred. ``err`` is a tuple of values as returned by ``sys.exc_info()`` ''' self._add_error(test, err, self.errors)
[docs] def addFailure(self, test, err): # pragma nocover '''Called when an test failure has occurred. ``err`` is a tuple of values as returned by ``sys.exc_info()`` ''' self._add_error(test, err, self.failures)
[docs] def addSkip(self, test, reason): """Called when a test is skipped.""" self.skipped.append((self.getDescription(test), reason))
[docs] def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err): """Called when an expected failure/error occurred.""" self._add_error(test, err, self.expectedFailures)
[docs] def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test): """Called when a test was expected to fail, but succeed.""" self.unexpectedSuccesses.append(self.getDescription(test))
def _add_error(self, test, exc, container): if not isinstance(exc, TestFailure): exc = TestFailure(exc) test = self.getDescription(test) container.append((test, str(exc)))
[docs] def wasSuccessful(self): "Tells whether or not this result was a success" return len(self.failures) == len(self.errors) == 0
def testsafe(name, return_val=None): if not return_val: return_val = def_return_val def _(self, *args): for p in self.plugins: try: c = getattr(p, name)(*args) if c is not None: return return_val(c) except Exception: # pragma nocover LOGGER.exception('Unhadled error in %s.%s' % (p, name)) return _
[docs]class TestRunner(Plugin): '''A :class:`.Plugin` for asynchronously running tests. ''' def __init__(self, plugins, stream, writercls=None, descriptions=True): self.descriptions = descriptions self.plugins = [] writercls = writercls or TestStream result = TestResult(descriptions=self.descriptions) stream = writercls(stream, result, descriptions=self.descriptions) for p in plugins: p = deepcopy(p) p.descriptions = self.descriptions p.result = result = stream self.plugins.append(p) self.plugins.append(result) self.plugins.append(stream) = stream self.result = result self.loader = unittest.TestLoader() configure = testsafe('configure', lambda c: c) on_start = testsafe('on_start') on_end = testsafe('on_end') startTestClass = testsafe('startTestClass') stopTestClass = testsafe('stopTestClass') startTest = testsafe('startTest') stopTest = testsafe('stopTest') addSuccess = testsafe('addSuccess') addFailure = testsafe('addFailure') addExpectedFailure = testsafe('addExpectedFailure') addError = testsafe('addError') addSkip = testsafe('addSkip') printErrors = testsafe('printErrors') printSummary = testsafe('printSummary')
[docs] def loadTestsFromTestCase(self, test_cls): '''Load all ``test`` functions for the ``test_cls`` ''' c = testsafe('loadTestsFromTestCase', lambda v: v)(self, test_cls) if c is None: return self.loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_cls) else: return c
def import_module(self, mod): for p in self.plugins: mod = p.import_module(mod) if not mod: return return mod
[docs] def before_test_function_run(self, test): '''Called just before the test is run''' test.plugins = plugins = {} for p in self.plugins: local = AttributeDictionary() plugins[] = local test = p.before_test_function_run(test, local) or test return test
[docs] def after_test_function_run(self, test): '''Called just after the test has finished, in the test process domain.''' for p in self.plugins: local = test.plugins.get( if local is not None: p.after_test_function_run(test, local)