Source code for

'''The :mod:`` contains WSGI_ middleware for
handling the WebSocket_ protocol.
Web sockets allow for bidirectional communication between the browser
and server. Pulsar implementation uses the WSGI middleware
:class:`.WebSocket` for the handshake_ and a class derived from
:class:`.WS` handler for the communication part.

This is a Web Socket handler which echoes all received messages
back to the client::

    from pulsar.apps import wsgi, ws

    class EchoWS(ws.WS):

        def on_message(self, websocket, message):

To create a valid :class:`.WebSocket` middleware initialise as follow::

    wm = ws.WebSocket('/bla', EchoWS())
    app = wsgi.WsgiHandler(middleware=(..., wm))

.. _WSGI:
.. _WebSocket:
.. _handshake:


.. _websocket-middleware:

.. _websocket-handler:

WebSocket handler

.. autoclass:: WS
   :member-order: bysource

.. module::


.. autoclass:: WebSocket
   :member-order: bysource

WebSocket protocol

.. autoclass:: WebSocketProtocol
   :member-order: bysource

import logging

from pulsar.apps import data

from .websocket import WebSocket, WebSocketProtocol

__all__ = ['WebSocket', 'WebSocketProtocol', 'WS']

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('')

[docs]class WS: '''A web socket handler for both servers and clients. It implements the asynchronous message passing for a :class:`.WebSocketProtocol`. On the server, the communication is started by the :class:`.WebSocket` middleware after a successful handshake. Override :meth:`on_message` to handle incoming string messages and :meth:`on_bytes` to handle incoming ``bytes`` messages. You can also override :meth:`on_open` and :meth:`on_close` to perform specific tasks when the websocket is opened or closed. These methods accept as first parameter the :class:`.WebSocketProtocol` created during the handshake. ''' frame_parser = None
[docs] def on_open(self, websocket): '''Invoked when a new ``websocket`` is opened. A web socket is opened straight after the upgrade headers are sent (servers) or received (clients). ''' pass
[docs] def on_message(self, websocket, message): '''Handles incoming messages on the WebSocket. This method should be overwritten ''' pass
[docs] def on_bytes(self, websocket, body): '''Handles incoming bytes.''' pass
[docs] def on_ping(self, websocket, message): '''Handle incoming ping ``message``. By default it writes back the message as a ``pong`` frame. ''' websocket.pong(message)
[docs] def on_pong(self, websocket, body): '''Handle incoming pong ``message``.''' pass
[docs] def on_close(self, websocket): """Invoked when the ``websocket`` is closed. """ pass
class PubSubClient(data.PubSubClient): __slots__ = ('connection', 'channel') def __init__(self, websocket, channel): self.websocket = websocket = channel def __call__(self, channel, message): handler = self.websocket.handler handler.write(self.websocket, message) class PubSubWS(WS): '''A :class:`.WS` handler with a publish-subscribe handler ''' client = PubSubClient def __init__(self, pubsub, channel): self.pubsub = pubsub = channel def on_open(self, websocket): '''When a new websocket connection is established it creates a new :class:`ChatClient` and adds it to the set of clients of the :attr:`pubsub` handler.''''New websocket opened. Add client to %s on "%s" channel', self.pubsub, self.pubsub.add_client(self.client(websocket, def write(self, websocket, message): websocket.write(message)