Source code for pulsar.apps.wsgi

"""This is the most important :ref:`pulsar application <application-api>`.
The server is a specialized :ref:`socket server <apps-socket>`
for web applications conforming with the python web server
gateway interface (`WSGI 1.0.1`_).
The server can be used in conjunction with several web frameworks
as well as :ref:`pulsar wsgi application handlers <wsgi-handlers>`,
:ref:`pulsar router <wsgi-middleware>`,
the :ref:`pulsar RPC middleware <apps-rpc>` and
the :ref:`websocket middleware <apps-ws>`.

.. note::

    Pulsar wsgi server is production ready designed to easily
    handle fast, scalable http applications. As all pulsar applications,
    it uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it
    lightweight and efficient. In addition, its multiprocessing
    capabilities allow to handle the `c10k problem`_ with ease.

An example of a web server written with the :mod:`~pulsar.apps.wsgi`
module which responds with ``Hello World!`` for every request::

    from pulsar.apps import wsgi

    def hello(environ, start_response):
        data = b"Hello World!"
        response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain'),
                            ('Content-Length', str(len(data)))]
        start_response("200 OK", response_headers)
        return [data]

    if __name__ == '__main__':

For more information regarding WSGI check the pep3333_ specification.
To run the application::


For available run options::

    python --help

WSGI Server

.. autoclass:: WSGIServer
   :member-order: bysource

.. _`WSGI 1.0.1`:
.. _`c10k problem`:
from functools import partial

import pulsar
from pulsar.apps.socket import SocketServer, Connection

from .html import HtmlVisitor
from .content import (String, Html, Json, HtmlDocument, Links, Scripts, Media,
from .middleware import (clean_path_middleware, authorization_middleware,
                         wait_for_body_middleware, middleware_in_executor)
from .response import AccessControl, GZipMiddleware
from .wrappers import EnvironMixin, WsgiResponse, WsgiRequest, cached_property
from .server import HttpServerResponse, test_wsgi_environ, AbortWsgi
from .route import route, Route
from .handlers import WsgiHandler, LazyWsgi
from .routers import (Router, MediaRouter, MediaMixin, RouterParam,
from .auth import HttpAuthenticate, parse_authorization_header
from .formdata import parse_form_data
from .utils import (handle_wsgi_error, render_error_debug, wsgi_request,
                    set_wsgi_request_class, dump_environ, HOP_HEADERS)

__all__ = [
    # Server
    # Content strings
    # Request middleware
    # Response middleware
    # WSGI Wrappers
    # WSGI Handlers
    # Routes and Routers
    # Utilities

[docs]class WSGIServer(SocketServer): '''A WSGI :class:`.SocketServer`. ''' name = 'wsgi' cfg = pulsar.Config(apps=['socket'], server_software=pulsar.SERVER_SOFTWARE) def protocol_factory(self): cfg = self.cfg consumer_factory = partial(HttpServerResponse, cfg.callable, cfg, cfg.server_software) return partial(Connection, consumer_factory)