Source code for pulsar.apps.wsgi.middleware

A WSGI Middleware is a function or callable object similar to a
:ref:`WSGI application handlers <wsgi-handlers>`
with the only difference that it can return nothing (``None``).

Middleware can be used in conjunction with a
:ref:`WsgiHandler <wsgi-handler>` or any
other handler which iterate through a list of middleware in a similar
way (for example django wsgi handler).

.. important::

    An asynchronous WSGI middleware is a callable accepting a WSGI
    ``environ`` and ``start_response`` as the only input parameters and
    it must returns an :ref:`asynchronous iterator <wsgi-async-iter>`
    or nothing.

The two most important wsgi middleware in pulsar are:

* the :ref:`Router <wsgi-router>` for serving dynamic web applications
* the :ref:`MediaRouter <wsgi-media-router>` for serving static files

In addition, pulsar provides with the following four middlewares which don't
serve requests, instead they perform initialisation and sanity checks.

.. _wsgi-additional-middleware:

Clean path
.. autofunction:: clean_path_middleware

.. autofunction:: authorization_middleware

.. _wait-for-body-middleware:

Wait for request body
.. autofunction:: wait_for_body_middleware

Middleware in Executor
.. autofunction:: middleware_in_executor

import re
from functools import wraps

import pulsar
from pulsar import as_coroutine, get_event_loop
from pulsar.utils.httpurl import BytesIO

from .auth import parse_authorization_header

[docs]def clean_path_middleware(environ, start_response=None): '''Clean url from double slashes and redirect if needed.''' path = environ['PATH_INFO'] if path and '//' in path: url = re.sub("/+", '/', path) if not url.startswith('/'): url = '/%s' % url qs = environ['QUERY_STRING'] if qs: url = '%s?%s' % (url, qs) raise pulsar.HttpRedirect(url)
[docs]def authorization_middleware(environ, start_response=None): '''Parse the ``HTTP_AUTHORIZATION`` key in the ``environ``. If available, set the ``http.authorization`` key in ``environ`` with the result obtained from :func:`~.parse_authorization_header` function. ''' key = 'http.authorization' c = environ.get(key) if c is None: code = 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' if code in environ: environ[key] = parse_authorization_header(environ[code])
[docs]async def wait_for_body_middleware(environ, start_response=None): '''Use this middleware to wait for the full body. This middleware wait for the full body to be received before letting other middleware to be processed. Useful when using synchronous web-frameworks such as :django:`django <>`. ''' if environ['wsgi.input']: chunk = await as_coroutine(environ['wsgi.input'].read()) environ['wsgi.input'] = BytesIO(chunk)
[docs]def middleware_in_executor(middleware): '''Use this middleware to run a synchronous middleware in the event loop executor. Useful when using synchronous web-frameworks such as :django:`django <>`. ''' @wraps(middleware) def _(environ, start_response): loop = get_event_loop() return loop.run_in_executor(None, middleware, environ, start_response) return _