Source code for pulsar.async.futures

from collections import Mapping
from inspect import isgeneratorfunction
from functools import wraps, partial

from asyncio import Future, CancelledError, TimeoutError, sleep, gather

from .consts import MAX_ASYNC_WHILE
from .access import (get_event_loop, LOGGER, isfuture, isawaitable,
                     ensure_future, create_future)

__all__ = ['maybe_async',

def return_false():
    return False

[docs]def chain_future(future, callback=None, errback=None, next=None): '''Chain a :class:`~asyncio.Future` to an existing ``future``. This function `chain` the ``next`` future to an existing ``future``. When the input ``future`` receive a result the optional ``callback`` is executed and its result set as the results of ``next``. If an exception occurs the optional ``errback`` is executed. :param future: the original :class:`~asyncio.Future` (can be a coroutine) :param callback: optional callback to execute on the result of ``future`` :param errback: optional callback to execute on the exception of ``future`` :param next: optional :class:`~asyncio.Future` to chain. If not provided a new future is created :return: the future ``next`` ''' loop = next._loop if next else None future = ensure_future(future, loop=loop) if next is None: next = create_future(future._loop) def _callback(fut): try: try: result = future.result() except Exception as exc: if errback: result = errback(exc) exc = None else: raise else: if callback: result = callback(result) except Exception as exc: next.set_exception(exc) else: if isinstance(result, Future): chain_future(result, next=next) else: next.set_result(result) future.add_done_callback(_callback) return next
def as_exception(future): if future._exception: return future.exception() elif future.cancelled(): return CancelledError() def add_errback(future, callback, loop=None): '''Add a ``callback`` to a ``future`` executed only if an exception or cancellation has occurred.''' def _error_back(fut): if fut._exception: callback(fut.exception()) elif fut.cancelled(): callback(CancelledError()) future = ensure_future(future, loop=None) future.add_done_callback(_error_back) return future def future_result_exc(future): '''Return a two elements tuple containing the future result and exception. The :class:`.Future` must be ``done`` ''' if future.cancelled(): return None, CancelledError() elif future._exception: return None, future.exception() else: return future.result(), None def task_callback(callback): @wraps(callback) def _task_callback(fut): return ensure_future(callback(fut.result()), fut._loop) return _task_callback
[docs]def maybe_async(value, loop=None): '''Handle a possible asynchronous ``value``. Return an :ref:`asynchronous instance <tutorials-coroutine>` only if ``value`` is a generator, a :class:`.Future`. :parameter value: the value to convert to an asynchronous instance if it needs to. :parameter loop: optional :class:`.EventLoop`. :return: a :class:`.Future` or a synchronous ``value``. ''' try: return ensure_future(value, loop=loop) except TypeError: return value
async def as_coroutine(value): if isawaitable(value): value = await value return value def as_gather(*args): """Same as :func:`~.asyncio.gather` but allows sync values """ return gather(*[as_coroutine(arg) for arg in args])
[docs]def task(function): '''Thread-safe decorator to run a ``function`` in an event loop. :param function: a callable which can return coroutines, :class:`.asyncio.Future` or synchronous data. Can be a method of an :ref:`async object <async-object>`, in which case the loop is given by the object ``_loop`` attribute. :return: a :class:`~asyncio.Future` ''' if isgeneratorfunction(function): wrapper = function else: async def wrapper(*args, **kw): res = function(*args, **kw) if isawaitable(res): res = await res return res @wraps(function) def _(*args, **kwargs): loop = getattr(args[0], '_loop', None) if args else None coro = wrapper(*args, **kwargs) return ensure_future(coro, loop=loop) return _
[docs]def run_in_loop(loop, callable, *args, **kwargs): '''Run ``callable`` in the event ``loop`` thread, thread safe. :param loop: The event loop where ``callable`` is run :return: a :class:`~asyncio.Future` ''' waiter = create_future(loop) def _(): try: result = callable(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: waiter.set_exception(exc) else: try: future = ensure_future(result, loop=loop) except TypeError: waiter.set_result(result) else: chain_future(future, next=waiter) loop.call_soon_threadsafe(_) return waiter
[docs]async def async_while(timeout, while_clause, *args): '''The asynchronous equivalent of ``while while_clause(*args):`` Use this function within a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` when you need to wait ``while_clause`` to be satisfied. :parameter timeout: a timeout in seconds after which this function stop. :parameter while_clause: while clause callable. :parameter args: optional arguments to pass to the ``while_clause`` callable. :return: A :class:`.Future`. ''' loop = get_event_loop() start = loop.time() di = 0.1 interval = 0 result = while_clause(*args) while result: interval = min(interval+di, MAX_ASYNC_WHILE) try: await sleep(interval, loop=loop) except TimeoutError: pass if timeout and loop.time() - start >= timeout: break result = while_clause(*args) return result
# ############################################################## Bench
[docs]class Bench: '''Execute a given number of asynchronous requests and wait for results. ''' start = None '''The :meth:`~asyncio.BaseEventLoop.time` when the execution starts''' finish = None '''The :meth:`~asyncio.BaseEventLoop.time` when the execution finishes''' result = () '''Tuple of results''' def __init__(self, times, loop=None): self._loop = loop or get_event_loop() self.times = times @property def taken(self): '''The total time taken for execution ''' if self.finish: return self.finish - self.start def __call__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): self.start = self._loop.time() data = (func(*args, **kwargs) for t in range(self.times)) self.result = multi_async(data, loop=self._loop) return chain_future(self.result, callback=self._done) def _done(self, result): self.finish = self._loop.time() self.result = tuple(result) return self
# ############################################################## AsyncObject
[docs]class AsyncObject: '''Interface for :ref:`async objects <async-object>` .. attribute:: _loop The :ref:`event loop <asyncio-event-loop>` associated with this object .. attribute:: _logger Optional logger instance, used by the :attr:`logger` attribute ''' _logger = None _loop = None @property def logger(self): '''The logger for this object. It is either the :attr:`_logger` or the logger of the :attr:`_loop` ''' return self._logger or getattr(self._loop, 'logger', LOGGER) @property def debug(self): '''True when in debug mode ''' return getattr(self._loop, 'get_debug', return_false)()
[docs] def timeit(self, method, times, *args, **kwargs): '''Useful utility for benchmarking an asynchronous ``method``. :param method: the name of the ``method`` to execute :param times: number of times to execute the ``method`` :param args: positional arguments to pass to the ``method`` :param kwargs: key-valued arguments to pass to the ``method`` :return: a :class:`~asyncio.Future` which results in a :class:`Bench` object if successful The usage is simple:: >>> b = self.timeit('asyncmethod', 100) ''' bench = Bench(times, loop=self._loop) return bench(getattr(self, method), *args, **kwargs)
# ############################################################## MultiFuture class MultiFuture(Future): '''Handle several futures at once. Thread safe. ''' def __init__(self, data=None, loop=None, type=None, raise_on_error=True): super().__init__(loop=loop) self._futures = {} self._failures = [] self._raise_on_error = raise_on_error if data is not None: type = type or data.__class__ if issubclass(type, Mapping): data = data.items() else: type = list data = enumerate(data) else: type = list data = () self._stream = type() for key, value in data: value = self._get_set_item(key, maybe_async(value, loop)) if isfuture(value): self._futures[key] = value value.add_done_callback(partial(self._future_done, key)) elif self.done(): break self._check() @property def failures(self): return self._failures # INTERNALS def _check(self): if not self._futures and not self.done(): self.set_result(self._stream) def _future_done(self, key, future, inthread=False): # called by future when future is done # thread safe if inthread or future._loop is self._loop: self._futures.pop(key, None) if not self.done(): self._get_set_item(key, future) self._check() else: self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe( self._future_done, key, future, True) def _get_set_item(self, key, value): if isfuture(value): if value.done(): exc = as_exception(value) if exc: if self._raise_on_error: self._futures.clear() self.set_exception(exc) return else: self._failures.append(exc) value = exc else: value = value._result stream = self._stream if isinstance(stream, list) and key == len(stream): stream.append(value) else: stream[key] = value return value # Backward compatibility multi_async = MultiFuture