Echo Server and Client

This example illustrates how to write a simple TCP Echo server and client pair. The example is simple because the client and server protocols are symmetrical and therefore the EchoProtocol will also be used as based class for EchoServerProtocol. The code for this example is located in the examples.echo.manage module.

Run The example

To run the server:


Open a new shell, in this directory, launch python and type:

>>> from manage import Echo
>>> echo = Echo(('localhost',8060))
>>> echo(b'Hello!')

Writing the Client

The first step is to write a small class handling a connection pool with the remote server. The Echo class does just that, it subclasses the handy AbstractClient and uses the asynchronous Pool of connections as backbone.

The second step is the implementation of the EchoProtocol, a subclass of ProtocolConsumer. The EchoProtocol is needed for two reasons:

  • It encodes and sends the request to the remote server via the start_request() method.
  • It listens for incoming data from the remote server via the data_received() method.

To wait for the response message one can await from the ProtocolConsumer.on_finished event.


Echo Client Protocol

class examples.echo.manage.EchoProtocol(loop=None, one_time_events=None, many_times_events=None)[source]

An echo ProtocolConsumer for client and servers.

The only difference between client and server is the implementation of the response() method.


Implements the data_received() method.

It simply search for the separator and, if found, it invokes the response() method with the value of the message.

response(data, rest)[source]

Clients return the message so that the ProtocolConsumer.on_finished is called back with the message value, while servers sends the message back to the client.


Override start_request() to write the message ended by the separator into the transport.

Echo Server Protocol

class examples.echo.manage.EchoServerProtocol(loop=None, one_time_events=None, many_times_events=None)[source]

The EchoProtocol used by the echo server().

response(data, rest)[source]

Override response() method by writing the data received back to the client.

Echo Client

class examples.echo.manage.Echo(address, full_response=False, pool_size=10, loop=None)[source]

A client for the echo server.

  • address – set the address attribute
  • full_response – set the full_response attribute
  • pool_size – used when initialising the connection pool.
  • loop – Optional event loop to set the _loop attribute.

The event loop used by the client IO requests.

The event loop is stored at this attribute so that asynchronous method decorators such as task() can be used.


remote server TCP address.


Asynchronous connection Pool.


Flag indicating if the callable method should return the EchoProtocol handling the request (True) or the server response message (False).

Default: False


Send a message to the server and wait for a response.

Returns:a Future

Echo Server

examples.echo.manage.server(name=None, description=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create the SocketServer with EchoServerProtocol as protocol factory.