CIR process#

The Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) model is a standard mean reverting square-root process used to model interest rates and stochastic variance. It takes the form

(40)#\[\begin{equation} dx_t = \kappa\left(\theta - x_t\right) dt + \sigma \sqrt{x_t} d w_t \end{equation}\]

\(\kappa\) is the mean reversion speed, \(\theta\) the long term value of \(x_t\), \(\sigma\) controls the standard deviation given by \(\sigma\sqrt{x_t}\) and \(w_t\) is a brownian motion.

Importantly, the process remains positive if the Feller condition is satisfied

(41)#\[\begin{equation} 2 \kappa \theta > \sigma^2 \end{equation}\]

In the code, the initial value of the process, \({\bf x}_0\), is given by the rate field, for example, a CIR process can be created via

from quantflow.sp.cir import CIR
pr = CIR(rate=1.0, kappa=2.0, sigma=1.2)
CIR(rate=1.0, kappa=2.0, sigma=1.2, theta=1.0, sample_algo=<SamplingAlgorithm.implicit: 'implicit'>)

Marginal and moments#

The model has a closed-form solution for the mean, the variance, and the marginal pdf.

(42)#\[\begin{align} {\mathbb E}[x_t] &= x_0 e^{-\kappa t} + \theta\left(1 - e^{-\kappa t}\right) \\ {\mathbb Var}[x_t] &= x_0 \frac{\sigma^2}{\kappa}\left(e^{-\kappa t} - e^{-2 \kappa t}\right) + \frac{\theta \sigma^2}{2\kappa}\left(1 - e^{-\kappa t}\right)^2 \\ \end{align}\]
m = pr.marginal(1)
m.mean(), m.variance()
(np.float64(1.0), np.float64(0.3534063700000557))
m.mean_from_characteristic(), m.variance_from_characteristic()
(np.float64(0.999999615589785), np.float64(0.3534067453321833))

The code below show the computed PDF via FRFT and the analytical formula above

from quantflow.utils import plot
import numpy as np
plot.plot_marginal_pdf(m, 128, max_frequency=20)

Characteristic Function#

For this process, it is possible to obtain the analytical formula of \(a\) and \(b\):

(43)#\[\begin{align} a &=-\frac{2\kappa\theta}{\sigma^2} \log{\left(\frac{c + d e^{-\gamma \tau}}{c + d}\right)} + \frac{\kappa \theta \tau}{c}\\ b &= \frac{1-e^{-\gamma \tau}}{c + d e^{-\gamma_u \tau}} \end{align}\]


(44)#\[\begin{align} \gamma &= \sqrt{\kappa^2 - 2 u \sigma^2} \\ c &= \frac{\gamma + \kappa}{2 u} \\ d &= \frac{\gamma - \kappa}{2 u} \end{align}\]
from quantflow.utils import plot
m = pr.marginal(0.5)


The code offers three sampling algorithms, both guarantee positiveness even if the Feller condition above is not satisfied.

The first sampling algorithm is the explicit Euler full truncation algorithm where the process is allowed to go below zero, at which point the process becomes deterministic with an upward drift of \(\kappa \theta\), see [MP17] and [And08] for a detailed discussion.

from quantflow.sp.cir import CIR
pr = CIR(rate=1.0, kappa=1.0, sigma=2.0, sample_algo="euler")
CIR(rate=1.0, kappa=1.0, sigma=2.0, theta=1.0, sample_algo=<SamplingAlgorithm.euler: 'euler'>)
pr.sample(20, time_horizon=1, time_steps=1000).plot().update_traces(line_width=0.5)

The second sampling algorithm is the implicit Milstein scheme, a refinement of the Euler scheme produced by adding an extra term using the Ito’s lemma.

The third algorithm is a fully implicit one that guarantees positiveness of the process if the Feller condition is met.

pr = CIR(rate=1.0, kappa=1.0, sigma=0.8)
CIR(rate=1.0, kappa=1.0, sigma=0.8, theta=1.0, sample_algo=<SamplingAlgorithm.implicit: 'implicit'>)
pr.sample(20, time_horizon=1, time_steps=1000).plot().update_traces(line_width=0.5)

Sampling with a mean reversion speed 20 times larger

pr.kappa = 20; pr
CIR(rate=1.0, kappa=20, sigma=0.8, theta=1.0, sample_algo=<SamplingAlgorithm.implicit: 'implicit'>)
pr.sample(20, time_horizon=1, time_steps=1000).plot().update_traces(line_width=0.5)

MC simulations#

In this section we compare the performance of the three sampling algorithms in estimating the mean and and standard deviation.

from quantflow.sp.cir import CIR

params = dict(rate=0.8, kappa=1.5, sigma=1.2)
pr = CIR(**params)

prs = [
    CIR(sample_algo="euler", **params),
    CIR(sample_algo="milstein", **params),
import pandas as pd
from quantflow.utils import plot
from quantflow.utils.paths import Paths

samples = 1000
time_steps = 100

draws = Paths.normal_draws(samples, time_horizon=1, time_steps=time_steps)
mean = dict(mean=pr.marginal(draws.time).mean())
mean.update({ pr.sample_from_draws(draws).mean() for pr in prs})
df = pd.DataFrame(mean, index=draws.time)

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[15], line 3
      1 import pandas as pd
      2 from quantflow.utils import plot
----> 3 from quantflow.utils.paths import Paths
      5 samples = 1000
      6 time_steps = 100

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'quantflow.utils.paths'
std = dict(std=pr.marginal(draws.time).std())
std.update({ pr.sample_from_draws(draws).std() for pr in prs})
df = pd.DataFrame(std, index=draws.time)


Integrated log-Laplace Transform#

The log-Laplace transform of the integrated CIR process is defined as

(45)#\[\begin{align} \iota_{t,u} &= \log {\mathbb E}\left[e^{- u \int_0^t x_s ds}\right]\\ &= a_{t,u} + x_0 b_{t,u}\\ a_{t,u} &= \frac{2\kappa\theta}{\sigma^2} \log{\frac{2\gamma_u e^{\left(\kappa+\gamma_u\right)t/2}}{d_{t,u}}}\\ b_{t,u} &=-\frac{2u\left(e^{\gamma_u t}-1\right)}{d_{t,u}}\\ d_{t,u} &= 2\gamma_u + \left(\gamma_u+\kappa\right)\left(e^{\gamma_u t}-1\right)\\ \gamma_u &= \sqrt{\kappa^2+2u\sigma^2}\\ \end{align}\]