OU Process#
The general definition of an Ornstein-Uhlebeck (OU) process is as the solution of an SDE of the form.
where \(z\), with \(z_0 = 0\), is a Lévy process. As \(z_t\) drives the OU process, it is usually referred to as a background driving Lévy process (BDLP).
The OU process can be integrated into the formula (see Appendix below).
Gaussian OU Process#
The Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlebeck process is an OU process where the BDLP is a Brownian motion with drift \(d z_{\kappa t} = \kappa\theta dt + \sigma dw_{\kappa t}\). Substituting this into the OU SDE equation yields:
\(\theta\) is the long-term value of \({\bf x}_t\), \(\sigma\) is a volatility parameter and \(w_t\) is the standard Brownian motion.
In the interest rate literature, this model is also known as Vasicek model.
Marginal and moments#
The model has a closed-form solution for marginal distribution, which equal to the normal standard distribution with the mean and the variance defined by
which means the process admits a stationary probability distribution equal to
from quantflow.sp.ou import Vasicek
pr = Vasicek()
Vasicek(rate=1.0, kappa=1.0, bdlp=WeinerProcess(sigma=1), theta=1.0)
pr.sample(20, time_horizon=1, time_steps=1000).plot().update_traces(
title="Mean reverting paths of Vasicek model"
m = pr.marginal(1)
m.mean(), m.std()
(np.float64(1.0), np.float64(0.6575198539828996))
m.mean_from_characteristic(), m.std_from_characteristic()
(np.float64(0.9999996171672217), np.float64(0.6575201729021828))
Non-gaussian OU process#
Non-Gaussian OU processes offer the possibility of capturing significant distributional deviations from Gaussianity and for flexible modeling of dependence structure.
Following the seminal paper of [BN01], we look at a model based on this SDEs
The unusual timing \(dz_{\kappa t}\) is deliberately chosen so that it will turn out that whatever the value of of \(\kappa\), the marginal distribution of of \(x_t\) will be unchanged. Hence we separately parameterize the distribution of the volatility and the dynamic structure.
The \(z_t\) has positive increments and no drift. This type of process is called a subordinator [Ber96].
When the subordinator is a Compound Poisson process, then the integration takes the form
where \(m_n\) are the jump times of the Poisson process \(N_{\kappa t} and \)j_n$ are the jump sizes drawn from the jump distribution.
Integrated Intensity#
One of the advantages of these OU processes is that they offer a great deal of analytical tractability. For example, the integrated value of the process, which can be used as a time change for Lévy processes, is given by
Lévy density#
It is possible to show, see [BN01], that given the Lévy density \(w\) of \(z\), in other words, the density of the Lévy measure of the Lévy-Khintchine representation of the BDLP \(z_1\), than it is possible to obtain the density \(u\) of \(x\) via
Gamma OU Process#
The library provides an implementation of the non-gaussian OU process in the form of a Gamma OU process, where the invariant distribution of \(x_t\) is a gamma distribution \(\Gamma\left(\lambda, \beta\right)\).
In this case, the BDLP is an exponential compound Poisson process with Lévy density \(\lambda\beta e^{-\beta x}\), in other words, the exponential compound Poisson process with intensity \(\lambda\) and decay \(\beta\).
from quantflow.sp.ou import GammaOU
pr = GammaOU.create(decay=10, kappa=5)
GammaOU(rate=1.0, kappa=5.0, bdlp=CompoundPoissonProcess[Exponential](intensity=10.0, jumps=Exponential(decay=10.0)))
Characteristic Function#
The charatecristic exponent of the \(\Gamma\)-OU process is given by, see [Sab21])
pr.marginal(1).mean(), pr.marginal(1).std()
(1.0, np.float64(0.31622776601683794))
import numpy as np
from quantflow.utils import plot
m = pr.marginal(5)
plot.plot_marginal_pdf(m, 128)
from quantflow.utils.plot import plot_characteristic
Sampling Gamma OU#
from quantflow.sp.ou import GammaOU
pr = GammaOU.create(decay=10, kappa=5)
pr.sample(50, time_horizon=1, time_steps=1000).plot().update_traces(line_width=0.5)
MC testing#
Test the simulated meand and stadard deviation against the values from the invariant gamma distribution.
import pandas as pd
from quantflow.utils import plot
paths = pr.sample(1000, time_horizon=1, time_steps=1000)
mean = dict(mean=pr.marginal(paths.time).mean(), simulated=paths.mean())
df = pd.DataFrame(mean, index=paths.time)
std = dict(std=pr.marginal(paths.time).std(), simulated=paths.std())
df = pd.DataFrame(std, index=paths.time)
The integration of the OU process can be achieved by multiplying both sides of the equation by \(e^{\kappa t}\) and performing simple steps as indicated below